[Gluster-devel] Problem with Firefox/Mozilla on GlusterFS

Gordan Bobic gordan at bobich.net
Wed Jan 14 11:15:10 UTC 2009

On Wed 14/01/09 09:42 , Daniel Maher <dma+gluster at witbe.net> wrote:
> Gordan Bobic wrote:
> > My guess is that it could be a SQLite+GlusterFS issue, but I'm not
> sure. 
> > This is a bit worrying since I only just got RPM working on
> GlusterFS by 
> > switching it from BerkeleyDB to SQLite. Has anyone else noticed
> this?
> I realise that this may now be behind you, but would you be able to 
> expand on your issues regarding RPM and Gluster ?  (I'm assuming
> you're referring to Redhat Package Manager, if not, please disregard.)

Indeed, I am referring to the RedHat Package Manager. Quite simply put, if /var/lib/rpm is on GlusterFS, any attempt to use rpm fails. I tried various flags in DB_CONFIG in /var/lib/rpm that should have, in theory, disabled mmap usage, but they made no difference, all rpm operations would fail even before rpm finished creating it's /var/lib/rpm/__* lock files.

The way I worked around it is by converting the RPM database to use SQLite (DB API 4 (SQLite) instead of 3 (BerkeleyDB), IIRC). This seems to work OK, but the fact that Mozilla's use of SQLite seems to be unreliable on GlusterFS concerns me.

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