[Gluster-devel] File Clobbering Bug

Krishna Srinivas krishna at zresearch.com
Mon Feb 16 05:55:44 UTC 2009


More clues would help us.

* Can you reproduce the problem without samba?
* Are perf xlators loaded? can you mail the vol files?
* do the logs indicate anything?


On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 6:05 AM, Gordan Bobic <gordan at bobich.net> wrote:
> I seem to have stumbled upon another bug.
> Two Linux servers in AFR (2.0.0rc1), one client that exports the directory
> via samba.
> If one server is shut down, and a client connects to the client and modifies
> a file via samba, the changes get clobbered when the 2nd server comes back.
> When the server that was disconnected rejoins it seems to take precedence
> and clobbers the changes made while it was down.
> Gordan
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