[Gluster-devel] Re: NFS reexport status

Sam Wouters sam at ericom.be
Fri Oct 3 12:37:12 UTC 2008


do you have any update about this?

I'm trying to reexport a glusterfs mount with nfs using glusterfs 1.3.12, 
using nfs-kernel.
I can list and read files perfectly through the nfs share, however when trying 
to write I get a "nfsd: write err=-1" in my nfs debug. Tracing the process, I 
see the file being written but after fh_verify ?by nfs, the file gets emptied. 
This happens with a basic storage brick as well as when using afr.

It doesn't seem to be a fuse problem, because exporting an sshfs fuse mount 
works perfectly.

Any ideas?



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