[Gluster-devel] Mail cluster storage benchmark

NovA av.nova at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 13:22:13 UTC 2008

2008/11/13 Daniel van Ham Colchete <daniel.colchete at gmail.com>:
> I think the DHT will distribute things equaly for all the subvolumes. It
> does that according with a hash of the filename. It doesn`t use weights on
> subvolumes, although it should be easy to implement.


Ok, I see. And how can I migrate from unify to DHT then? I already has
many files distributed trough 24 nodes. It will be rather problematic
to backup them all, remove unifed volumes, create DHT volumes and
restore files. Is it possible to just replace unify to dht without
touching backend?

Best wishes,

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