[Gluster-devel] GlusterFS Roadmap: Erasure codes.

Anand Avati avati at zresearch.com
Thu May 1 07:51:28 UTC 2008

  A couple of weeks back we did an analysis of implementing R-S translator
for m+n redundancy. One of our strategies (probably not the best) was to
have it work like an extended stripe translator, where the scope of each
checksum domain is a file.
Some subvolumes contain file stripe chunks, and some subvolumes contain
polynomial checksums across the chunks.
Flip sides -
1. The computation is pretty high for this implementation
2. Even though the storage is not N-fold extra, write traffic is actually
N-fold extra.

Implementation is surely possible, with the performance impacts. We also
have not seen a big need to bring it up in our priority list, but it is
surely something we would like to have in the future.


2008/4/24 Rodney McDuff <mcduff at its.uq.edu.au>:

> I was just looking at the GlusterFS Roadmap and thought that a nifty
> feature for the future would be an AFR-like translator that uses
> Reed-Solomon erasures codes instead for file replication. That would add
> many 9s to the reliability without adding much storage overhead.
> --
> Dr. Rodney G. McDuff                 |Ex ignorantia ad sapientiam
> Manager, Strategic Technologies Group|    Ex luce ad tenebras
> Information Technology Services      |
> The University of Queensland         |
> EMAIL: mcduff at its.uq.edu.au          |
> TELEPHONE: +61 7 3365 8220           |
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If I traveled to the end of the rainbow
As Dame Fortune did intend,
Murphy would be there to tell me
The pot's at the other end.

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