[Gluster-devel] glusterfs_1.4.0qa19: small issues

Brent A Nelson brent at phys.ufl.edu
Tue Jun 10 15:33:05 UTC 2008

Okay, that's fixed, along with the removexattr issue.  Another couple of 
quirks; cp -a /usr/bin /gluster/bin makes a perfect copy, except:

1) /gluster/bin itself doesn't preserve the correct permissions (rsync 
succeeds, though, and a cp -a to /tmp also works fine, so it's not a 
problem with cp); the contents are all fine, except:

2) /gluster/bin/sudoedit did not have the setuid bit set (this fails with 
rsync, too, but a manual chmod u+s succeeds).

Looks like we're getting close!



On Tue, 10 Jun 2008, Brent A Nelson wrote:

> On Mon, 9 Jun 2008, Brent A Nelson wrote:
>> Nothing gets logged for the mtime issue, on the client or any of the 
>> servers. Not all of the wrong mtimes are from the time of the copy; many of 
>> them are from other times today.  Weird.
> Big clue: the mtimes on the destination files that aren't the copy time 
> actually appear to be the atimes of the original files, rather than the 
> mtimes.
> Thanks,
> Brent

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