[Gluster-devel] Problems with unify

Antonio González antonio.gonzalez at libera.net
Mon Apr 21 18:01:08 UTC 2008

Hello Krishna, 


Can you reproduce the bug?? I have made more test about this issue, I
comment you my impressions: 

*         The bug happens when the client (that goes down) tries a write
operation over the GlusterFS (cp local glusterfs) and the other client tries
an “ls” command or and “find /mnt/glusterfs -type f -print0 | xargs -0 head
-c1 >/dev/null” command. With other commands I don’t be able to reproduce
the bug.

*         I don’t be able to reproduce the bug with a read operation in the
client that goes down. Only write operations (cp local glusterf).

*         I can see that some times when I try to reproduce the bug (with a
write operation) the bug not happens, I don’t know the reason. The majority
of times the bug is reproduced. 

*         I test with a schema without unify translator, in place this I use
the stripe translator; I’m be able to reproduce the same bug with this
configuration too.



I hope that these points help you to clarify the problem.






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