[Gluster-devel] posix-lock or not

Anand Avati avati at zresearch.com
Fri Sep 14 09:53:14 UTC 2007

 you have probably tried locking from the same client. posix-locks xlator
will make a difference when accessing that file and locking from different
client machines.


On 9/14/07, Hans Einar Gautun <einar.gautun at statkart.no> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been playing with posix-locks. Setup is single server and client on
> the same host. Filesystem is xfs. I've used the simple testlock.pl
> provided earlier from Kevan Benson.
> Scenarios:
> With posix-locks loaded, but mandatory and advisory off
> With posix-locks loaded, but mandatory and advisory on
> Without loading posix-locks
> On another local disk, xfs filesystem
> I've started the script, (adjusted it to lock the file for 10 seconds)
> and started it once again before the first run is finished.
> Result is the same for all scenarios.
> Possible conclusion: On xfs I don't need to load posix-locks. Am I
> right?
> Thanks,
> --
> Einar Gautun                           einar.gautun at statkart.no
> Statens kartverk            | Norwegian Mapping Authority
> 3507 Hønefoss               |    NO-3507 Hønefoss, Norway
> Ph +47 32118372   Fax +47 32118101       Mob +47 92692662
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