[Gluster-devel] performance improvements

Hans Einar Gautun einar.gautun at statkart.no
Wed Oct 24 07:53:41 UTC 2007

tir, 23,.10.2007 kl. 10.02 -0700, skrev Kevan Benson:
> Vincent Régnard wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > We are presently trying to tune our non-gluster configuration to 
> > improve glusterfs performance. My config is gluster 
> > 1.3.7/fuse2.7.0-glfs5, linux We have 3 clients and 3 
> > servers on a 100Mb network with 5ms round trip between clients and 
> > servers. The 3 clients replicate with afr on client side over the 3 
> > servers.

> > I can imagine that reducing the roundtrip between servers might help ? 
> > But I cannot actually do anything for that. The only thing I might be 
> > able to do is to configure some QOS. Have you any suggestion about how 
> > we should do that ? Would giving priority to tcp/6996 between clients 
> > and servers really help ?

It's a big roundtrip. I have 0.1 or less, but it's GB NIC's and switch.
But it's cheap this days.;)

> Separate network connections to each AFR subvoume.  VLAN your switches 
> and implement separate logical networks for each connection to the AFR 
> subvolumes using secondary (or even tertiary) nics in each client.  You 
> can effectively double or triple your throughput while increasing 
> redundancy.
Is this better than bonding - or equal?

Jumbo frames are also good for speed and lowering the server and switch

Einar Gautun                     einar.gautun at statkart.no

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