[Gluster-devel] getting --libdir passed.

Matt Paine matt at mattsoftware.com
Tue Oct 23 23:02:27 UTC 2007

Hey Chris - not bad for not looking at one before

I want to try a more generic way, there should be a rpm spec variable 
called %_libdir (i think or perhaps its just %_lib, its been a while). I 
havn't had a spare chance to even look at it, obviously hanv't got as 
much spare time as you do ;)

Sorry for the delay, but I probably wont get to it until the weekend now :/

But if you could spare a chance to try my new spec file after the 
weekend for interest that would be great.


Chris Johnson wrote:

> On Sun, 21 Oct 2007, Matt Paine wrote:
>      So I had a spare nanoseond with nothing else to do (yeah, right) and
> modified the RPM SPEC file.  Sometimes success can be very
> anticlimactic.  Frst time I've done one of these.  See attached.
>      No warrenties expressed or implied, your mileage may vary, yada
> yada, yada.  And it's just to solve my problem, nobody elses.
>      Good luck.
>> Hi Chris
>> I originally wrote the spec file, but not having an 64 bit system I 
>> didn't know of the different library.
>> Is this the only chage? Pass --libdir=/lib64 ?
>> Let me change the spec file to allow this change (I should be able to 
>> detect the arch automatically). Would you mind testing the spec file 
>> for me before I commit it to the tla?
>> Thanks.
>> Matt.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> Chris Johnson               |Internet: johnson at nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
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