[Gluster-devel] Centos 4.4 clients fail to connect to server

Justin McAleer gluster at fehuq.com
Thu May 10 19:03:25 UTC 2007

Anand Avati wrote:
> Justin,
>  is this during fetch spec stage? or are you using spec from a local
> file? some connection related code was fixed in the source repository,
> could you please confirm if the issue is seen from the TLA checkout?
> thanks,
> avati
Argh, after all that, it was a typo in the IP address of the server. I 
was copying the same spec file between the 4.4 clients, which had the 
typo, while the CentOS 5 clients were on a different network, so had a 
different spec file. Sorry for the trouble.

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