[Gluster-devel] Distributed Caching Translator

Anand Avati avati at zresearch.com
Wed May 9 05:49:48 UTC 2007

  there is a file-cache translator in the roadmap which has ideas
similar to what you are talking about. the intial idea about that is
to only cache file content.


2007/5/9, Erik Osterman <e at osterman.com>:
> What I love about GlusterFS more than anything, is it's ease of use to
> setup, especially on the client side. Install the binary and you're
> done. Scaling the storage is also relatively convenient (even more so
> with upcomming the 1.4 release). But sometimes you don't need to scale
> storage as much as you just need to scale to handle a large volume of
> requests. In such a case, it's unnecessary to disrupt the cluster to add
> in another node, especially if you will just bring that node down in a
> few hours anyways. In such a case, it would be more convenient to add in
> caching nodes.
> My random thought is to introduce a Memcache translator (not sure if
> that's the correct term) that would work along the lines of CacheFS.
> Writes would be mirrored like in AFR, once to the cluster another to the
> Memcache pool. Clients could attempt to read first from the Memcache
> servers or based on some formula, e.g 65% of the time. The size of files
> stored would be configurable, e.g. only if less than 50K bytes. Stat
> caching could also be extended to utilize Memcache as well.
> What are your thoughts on this?
> Best,
> Erik Osterman
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Anand V. Avati

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