[Gluster-devel] sessions on gluster volume

Krishna Srinivas krishna at zresearch.com
Mon Apr 23 19:29:25 UTC 2007

Hi Pooya,

I am not able to guess what might be happening..
Can you give us the spec files. Did you try to do any
debugging, at what point the glusterfs hangs etc?
Putting debug/trace translator at right points will
give you clues.


On 4/21/07, Pooya Woodcock <pooya at packetcloud.net> wrote:
> In my php.ini, session.save_path is set to /GLUSTER/php_sessions . /
> GLUSTER is a unified, afr'ed mount point.
> The app worked fine using the glusterfsd-1.3-pre2.3 release. After
> upgrading to the latest mainline tla as of 15 minutes ago, everytime
> we run a php script that tries to save a session, the script hangs.
> If we set the save path to /tmp, the code runs fine. I understand I
> can use a DB for sessions, but do you have any ideas on this one?
> for example, this hangs:
> # cat test2.php
> <?
> session_start();
> print "hello world";
> ?>
> but with session.save_path=/tmp , the above succeeds without hanging.
> Other than this, the gluster volume looks healthy to me.
> -Pooya
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