[susumu_urata at technocross.com: [Gluster-devel] Domain name and other behaviors]

Anand Avati avati at zresearch.com
Wed Jun 21 11:07:53 UTC 2006

replies inline.
> 1)  In HPC master configuration, I set the "Domain" name where originally 
> set to
> "gluster.org" to my own domain.  When I came back to the same screen, the
> domain name was set back to the default "gluster.org".  Is this a normal
> behavior?

Was this in the same session? or did you reboot and select a new state?
> 2) When I started the client servers as indicated in the master node setup, 
> it only captured the last server node I have started in the Active Node 
> dialogbox although the clients started to boot and stopped at "Starting 
> Gping daemon" message.  Is this a correct behavior?

The client nodes will stop at 'Starting gping daemon'. that is correct
behaviour. But they should be listed in the 'Active Nonde' dialog box.
> 3) Only the last server node starts the trasfer of image although all of 
> the server MAC address has been recognized by the master node.  Is this a 
> correct behavior?

How many nodes are you trying with? (how many client nodes?)


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