GlusterFS 3.5.7 has been released

Niels de Vos ndevos at
Tue Dec 15 17:15:30 UTC 2015

  This post contains links that have been lost in text format of this
  email. You can find the original post on my blog [1] and soon on the
  Gluster Planet [2]. The Release notes are available on GitHub [3]



   Around the 10th of each month the release schedule allows for a 3.5 stable
   update. This got delayed a few days due to the unfriendly weather in The
   Netherlands, making me take some holidays in a more sunny place in Europe.

   This release fixes two bugs, one is only a minor improvement for
   distributions using systemd, the other fixes a potential client-side
   segfault when the server.manage-gids option is used. Packages for
   different distributions are available on the main download server,
   distributions that still provide glusterfs-3.5 packages should get updates
   out shortly too.

   To keep informed about Gluster, you can follow the project on Twitter,
   read articles on Planet Gluster or check other sources like mailinglists
   on our home page.

Release Notes for GlusterFS 3.5.7

   This is a bugfix release. The Release Notes for 3.5.0, 3.5.1, 3.5.2,
   3.5.3, 3.5.4, 3.5.5 and 3.5.6 contain a listing of all the new features
   that were added and bugs fixed in the GlusterFS 3.5 stable release.

  Bugs Fixed:

     * 1283542: glusterfs does not register with rpcbind on restart
     * 1283691: core dump in protocol/client:client_submit_request

  Known Issues:

     * The following configuration changes are necessary for 'qemu' and
       'samba vfs plugin' integration with libgfapi to work seamlessly:
         1. gluster volume set <volname> server.allow-insecure on
         2. restarting the volume is necessary

 gluster volume stop <volname>
 gluster volume start <volname>

         3. Edit /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol to contain this line:

 option rpc-auth-allow-insecure on

         4. restarting glusterd is necessary

 service glusterd restart

       More details are also documented in the Gluster Wiki on the Libgfapi
       with qemu libvirt page.
     * For Block Device translator based volumes open-behind translator at
       the client side needs to be disabled.

 gluster volume set <volname> disabled

     * libgfapi clients calling glfs_fini before a successful glfs_init will
       cause the client to hang as reported here. The workaround is NOT to
       call glfs_fini for error cases encountered before a successful
       glfs_init. This is being tracked in Bug 1134050 for glusterfs-3.5 and
       Bug 1093594 for mainline.
     * If the /var/run/gluster directory does not exist enabling quota will
       likely fail (Bug 1117888).
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