[Gluster-Maintainers] Build failed in Jenkins: regression-test-with-multiplex #1923

jenkins at build.gluster.org jenkins at build.gluster.org
Mon Jun 22 22:49:13 UTC 2020

See <https://build.gluster.org/job/regression-test-with-multiplex/1923/display/redirect>


[...truncated 2.42 MB...]
ok   7 [     11/    127] <  27> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume set patchy cluster.quorum-type fixed'
ok   8 [     11/   4642] <  28> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume start patchy'
ok   9 [     19/    584] <  30> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume set patchy cluster.quorum-count 1'
ok  10 [    201/    640] <  31> 'Y check_quorum_nfs'
ok  11 [     11/    468] <  32> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume set patchy cluster.quorum-count 2'
ok  12 [     12/    121] <  33> 'Y check_quorum_nfs'
ok  13 [    170/   1809] <  34> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume set patchy cluster.quorum-count 3'
ok  14 [     88/    600] <  35> 'Y check_quorum_nfs'
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=14, 14 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.00 sys +  0.84 cusr  0.65 csys =  1.51 CPU)
Result: PASS
Logs preserved in tarball quorum-value-check-iteration-1.tar
End of test ./tests/bugs/glusterd/quorum-value-check.t

[22:38:52] Running tests in file ./tests/bugs/glusterd/rebalance-in-cluster.t
./tests/bugs/glusterd/rebalance-in-cluster.t .. 
ok   1 [    208/   2810] <  12> 'launch_cluster 2'
ok   2 [     13/    136] <  13> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/rebalance-in-cluster.t_cli1.log peer probe'
ok   3 [     17/    135] <  15> '1 peer_count'
volume create: patchy: success: please start the volume to access data
ok   4 [    170/     88] <  18> 'Created cluster_volinfo_field 1 patchy Status'
volume start: patchy: success
ok   5 [    570/     73] <  21> 'Started cluster_volinfo_field 1 patchy Status'
ok   6 [     11/     57] <  26> 'glusterfs -s --volfile-id=patchy /mnt/glusterfs/0'
ok   7 [     12/     24] <  28> 'mkdir /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir1 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir2 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir3 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir4'
ok   8 [     13/     38] <  29> 'touch /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir1/files1 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir1/files2 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir1/files3 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir1/files4 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir2/files1 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir2/files2 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir2/files3 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir2/files4 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir3/files1 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir3/files2 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir3/files3 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir3/files4 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir4/files1 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir4/files2 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir4/files3 /mnt/glusterfs/0/dir4/files4'
ok   9 [     12/    262] <  31> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/rebalance-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume add-brick patchy'
ok  10 [     15/  10162] <  33> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/rebalance-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume rebalance patchy start'
ok  11 [    109/   1165] <  34> 'completed cluster_rebalance_status_field 1 patchy'
ok  12 [     12/      3] <  37> 'kill_glusterd 2'
ok  13 [     12/     76] <  38> 'completed rebalance_status_field_1 patchy'
ok  14 [     12/   1588] <  40> 'start_glusterd 2'
volume rebalance: patchy: success: Rebalance on patchy has been started successfully. Use rebalance status command to check status of the rebalance process.
ID: 992834fe-8906-4cec-93e8-48dea99128e9
ok  15 [   1016/   4092] <  49> 'Started cluster_volinfo_field 1 patchy Status'
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=15, 23 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.01 sys +  0.96 cusr  0.63 csys =  1.62 CPU)
Result: PASS
Logs preserved in tarball rebalance-in-cluster-iteration-1.tar
End of test ./tests/bugs/glusterd/rebalance-in-cluster.t

[22:39:15] Running tests in file ./tests/bugs/glusterd/rebalance-operations-in-single-node.t
Logs preserved in tarball rebalance-operations-in-single-node-iteration-1.tar
./tests/bugs/glusterd/rebalance-operations-in-single-node.t timed out after 200 seconds
./tests/bugs/glusterd/rebalance-operations-in-single-node.t: bad status 124

       *       REGRESSION FAILED       *
       * Retrying failed tests in case *
       * we got some spurious failures *

Logs preserved in tarball rebalance-operations-in-single-node-iteration-2.tar
./tests/bugs/glusterd/rebalance-operations-in-single-node.t timed out after 200 seconds
End of test ./tests/bugs/glusterd/rebalance-operations-in-single-node.t

[22:45:57] Running tests in file ./tests/bugs/glusterd/remove-brick-in-cluster.t
./tests/bugs/glusterd/remove-brick-in-cluster.t .. 
ok   1 [   2362/   3055] <   8> 'launch_cluster 2'
ok   2 [     14/    134] <  11> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume create patchy replica 2'
ok   3 [     16/   2402] <  12> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume start patchy'
ok   4 [     11/    200] <  14> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log peer probe'
ok   5 [     14/   1367] <  15> '1 peer_count'
ok   6 [     12/   5216] <  17> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/2/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli2.log volume remove-brick patchy start'
ok   7 [     51/     92] <  18> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/2/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli2.log volume info'
ok   8 [     12/    156] <  21> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume create patchy1'
ok   9 [     12/    384] <  22> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume start patchy1'
ok  10 [     13/   5160] <  23> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume remove-brick patchy1 start'
ok  11 [     15/    104] <  24> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume status'
ok  12 [     13/   3158] <  26> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume stop patchy'
ok  13 [     13/     67] <  27> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume delete patchy'
ok  14 [     12/    215] <  31> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume create patchy replica 3'
ok  15 [     12/   4441] <  36> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume start patchy'
ok  16 [     97/    232] <  39> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume remove-brick patchy replica 2 force'
ok  17 [     71/    217] <  42> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume remove-brick patchy replica 2 force'
ok  18 [     25/   3196] <  45> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume remove-brick patchy replica 1 force'
ok  19 [     13/   4299] <  51> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume add-brick patchy replica 2 force'
ok  20 [     12/    271] <  54> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume add-brick patchy replica 2 force'
ok  21 [     15/   6473] <  57> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/remove-brick-in-cluster.t_cli1.log volume add-brick patchy replica 3 force'
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=21, 44 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.00 sys +  1.53 cusr  1.70 csys =  3.26 CPU)
Result: PASS
Logs preserved in tarball remove-brick-in-cluster-iteration-1.tar
End of test ./tests/bugs/glusterd/remove-brick-in-cluster.t

[22:46:41] Running tests in file ./tests/bugs/glusterd/remove-brick-testcases.t
./tests/bugs/glusterd/remove-brick-testcases.t .. 
ok   1 [    205/   1419] <  20> 'glusterd'
ok   2 [     11/     17] <  21> 'pidof glusterd'
ok   3 [     13/    267] <  23> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume create patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy3 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy4 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy5'
ok   4 [     74/   2041] <  24> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume start patchy'
ok   5 [    820/    186] <  29> '0 brick_up_status patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org /d/backends/patchy1'
ok   6 [     96/     64] <  32> '! gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1 start'
ok   7 [     12/    266] <  34> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume start patchy force'
ok   8 [    186/    276] <  35> '1 brick_up_status patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org /d/backends/patchy1'
ok   9 [    155/   5850] <  38> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1 start'
ok  10 [     12/   1458] <  40> 'completed remove_brick_status_completed_field patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1'
ok  11 [    434/    435] <  46> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1 commit'
ok  12 [    182/   5691] <  50> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 start'
ok  13 [    208/    135] <  54> '! gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/ABCD status'
ok  14 [     76/    134] <  55> '! gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/ABCD stop'
ok  15 [     84/    122] <  60> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 status'
ok  16 [     75/    235] <  61> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 stop'
ok  17 [     12/    216] <  64> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 force'
ok  18 [     12/     86] <  65> '3 brick_count patchy'
ok  19 [     12/    163] <  67> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy3 force'
ok  20 [     99/     92] <  68> '2 brick_count patchy'
ok  21 [     14/     88] <  76> 'decommissioned remove_brick_commit_status'
ok  22 [     40/   1128] <  78> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume stop patchy'
ok  23 [     14/   4050] <  79> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume delete patchy'
ok  24 [     26/    166] <  82> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume create patchy replica 3 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy3 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy4 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy5 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy6'
ok  25 [     73/   2762] <  83> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume start patchy'
ok  26 [    191/    564] <  90> 'failed remove_brick_start_status'
ok  27 [    288/    556] <  98> 'decommissioned remove_brick_commit_status2'
ok  28 [    181/    269] <  99> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume info patchy'
ok  29 [     32/    735] < 108> 'success remove_brick_status'
ok  30 [    164/    190] < 109> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume info patchy'
ok  31 [    126/   7846] < 113> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy4 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy5 start'
volume remove-brick status: failed: Glusterd Syncop Mgmt brick op 'Rebalance' failed. Please check brick log file for details.
ok  32 [    152/   2458] < 114> 'completed remove_brick_status_completed_field patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy5'
ok  33 [    128/    260] < 115> 'completed remove_brick_status_completed_field patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy4'
ok  34 [     88/    387] < 116> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy4 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy5 commit'
ok  35 [     19/   1297] < 117> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume remove-brick patchy replica 1 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 force'
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=35, 48 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.00 sys +  2.33 cusr  1.56 csys =  3.92 CPU)
Result: PASS
Logs preserved in tarball remove-brick-testcases-iteration-1.tar
End of test ./tests/bugs/glusterd/remove-brick-testcases.t

[22:47:30] Running tests in file ./tests/bugs/glusterd/removing-multiple-bricks-in-single-remove-brick-command.t
./tests/bugs/glusterd/removing-multiple-bricks-in-single-remove-brick-command.t .. 
ok   1 [   1929/   2184] <   9> 'glusterd'
ok   2 [     13/     32] <  10> 'pidof glusterd'
No volumes present
ok   3 [     12/    185] <  11> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume info'
ok   4 [     27/    156] <  14> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume create patchy replica 2 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy3 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy4 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy5 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy6'
ok   5 [     16/   3024] <  15> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume start patchy'
ok   6 [    154/    335] <  19> 'glusterfs -s builder208.int.aws.gluster.org --volfile-id patchy /mnt/glusterfs/0'
ok   7 [     93/    533] <  20> 'touch /mnt/glusterfs/0/file1 /mnt/glusterfs/0/file2 /mnt/glusterfs/0/file3 /mnt/glusterfs/0/file4 /mnt/glusterfs/0/file5 /mnt/glusterfs/0/file6 /mnt/glusterfs/0/file7 /mnt/glusterfs/0/file8 /mnt/glusterfs/0/file9 /mnt/glusterfs/0/file10'
ok   8 [     94/   5729] <  29> 'success remove_brick_start_status'
ok   9 [    235/   2961] <  32> 'completed remove_brick_status_completed_field patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy6 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy5'
ok  10 [    106/    916] <  40> 'success remove_brick_commit_status'
ok  11 [    599/     36] <  44> 'Replicate echo Replicate'
ok  12 [    292/    283] <  45> 'Y force_umount /mnt/glusterfs/0'
ok  13 [    231/    642] <  50> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume create patchy1 replica 3 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy10 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy11 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy12 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy13 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy14 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy15 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy16 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy17 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy18'
ok  14 [    110/   3228] <  51> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume start patchy1'
ok  15 [    235/    212] <  52> '9 brick_count patchy1'
ok  16 [     16/    279] <  55> 'glusterfs -s builder208.int.aws.gluster.org --volfile-id patchy1 /mnt/glusterfs/0'
ok  17 [     36/     24] <  56> 'touch /mnt/glusterfs/0/zerobytefile.txt'
ok  18 [     12/    117] <  57> 'mkdir /mnt/glusterfs/0/test_dir'
ok  19 [     94/    535] <  58> 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/glusterfs/0/file bs=1024 count=1024'
ok  20 [     40/     76] <  71> 'failed remove_brick_start'
ok  21 [    103/   2551] <  76> 'success remove_brick'
ok  22 [    125/    117] <  78> 'Y force_umount /mnt/glusterfs/0'
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=22, 29 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.00 sys +  1.17 cusr  1.02 csys =  2.22 CPU)
Result: PASS
Logs preserved in tarball removing-multiple-bricks-in-single-remove-brick-command-iteration-1.tar
End of test ./tests/bugs/glusterd/removing-multiple-bricks-in-single-remove-brick-command.t

[22:48:00] Running tests in file ./tests/bugs/glusterd/replace-brick-operations.t
./tests/bugs/glusterd/replace-brick-operations.t .. 
ok   1 [    216/   1517] <  11> 'glusterd'
ok   2 [     11/     19] <  12> 'pidof glusterd'
ok   3 [     79/    240] <  15> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume create patchy replica 2 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2'
ok   4 [     26/   4611] <  16> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume start patchy'
ok   5 [     77/    186] <  24> '! gluster --mode=script --wignore volume replace-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy3 start'
ok   6 [    125/    327] <  25> '! gluster --mode=script --wignore volume replace-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy3 status'
ok   7 [    433/    422] <  26> '! gluster --mode=script --wignore volume replace-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy3 abort'
ok   8 [    146/   2655] <  30> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume replace-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy2 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy3 commit force'
ok   9 [     78/    158] <  34> 'glusterfs --volfile-id=patchy --volfile-server=builder208.int.aws.gluster.org /mnt/glusterfs/0'
ok  10 [     21/   2254] <  37> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume replace-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1 builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1_new commit force'
ok  11 [     13/    141] <  39> '1 afr_child_up_status patchy 1'
ok  12 [     12/    120] <  41> 'kill_brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org /d/backends/patchy1_new'
ok  13 [     13/   2218] <  44> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore volume replace-brick patchy builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1_new builder208.int.aws.gluster.org:/d/backends/patchy1_newer commit force'
ok  14 [     68/    210] <  46> '1 afr_child_up_status patchy 1'
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=14, 16 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.01 sys +  0.71 cusr  0.74 csys =  1.49 CPU)
Result: PASS
Logs preserved in tarball replace-brick-operations-iteration-1.tar
End of test ./tests/bugs/glusterd/replace-brick-operations.t

[22:48:16] Running tests in file ./tests/bugs/glusterd/reset-brick-and-daemons-follow-quorum.t
./tests/bugs/glusterd/reset-brick-and-daemons-follow-quorum.t .. 
ok   1 [    209/   4413] <  24> 'launch_cluster 3'
ok   2 [     12/    135] <  25> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/reset-brick-and-daemons-follow-quorum.t_cli1.log peer probe'
ok   3 [     17/    106] <  26> '1 check_peers'
ok   4 [     12/    155] <  28> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/reset-brick-and-daemons-follow-quorum.t_cli1.log volume create patchy replica 2'
ok   5 [     13/   2611] <  29> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/reset-brick-and-daemons-follow-quorum.t_cli1.log volume start patchy'
ok   6 [     24/     72] <  33> '! gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/reset-brick-and-daemons-follow-quorum.t_cli1.log volume reset-brick patchy commit force'
ok   7 [     13/   1074] <  35> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/reset-brick-and-daemons-follow-quorum.t_cli1.log volume reset-brick patchy start'
ok   8 [     13/   4292] <  37> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/reset-brick-and-daemons-follow-quorum.t_cli1.log volume reset-brick patchy commit force'
ok   9 [     34/    144] <  41> 'gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/reset-brick-and-daemons-follow-quorum.t_cli1.log peer probe'
ok  10 [     17/   1372] <  42> '2 peer_count'
ok  11 [     12/     82] <  44> '1 cluster_brick_up_status 1 patchy /d/backends/patchy'
ok  12 [     12/     83] <  45> '1 cluster_brick_up_status 1 patchy /d/backends/patchy'
ok  13 [     12/     87] <  46> 'Y shd_up_status_1'
ok  14 [     12/     88] <  47> 'Y shd_up_status_2'
ok  15 [    122/      3] <  53> 'kill_glusterd 1'
ok  16 [     13/   1721] <  56> 'glusterd --xlator-option management.working-directory=/d/backends/1/glusterd --xlator-option management.transport.socket.bind-address= --xlator-option management.run-directory=/d/backends/1/run/gluster --xlator-option management.glusterd-sockfile=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --xlator-option management.cluster-test-mode=/var/log/glusterfs/1 --log-file=/var/log/glusterfs/1/reset-brick-and-daemons-follow-quorum.t_glusterd1.log --pid-file=/d/backends/1/glusterd.pid'
ok  17 [     19/   1496] <  61> 'Y shd_up_status_2'
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=17, 19 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.01 sys +  1.41 cusr  0.90 csys =  2.35 CPU)
Result: PASS
Logs preserved in tarball reset-brick-and-daemons-follow-quorum-iteration-1.tar
End of test ./tests/bugs/glusterd/reset-brick-and-daemons-follow-quorum.t

[22:48:35] Running tests in file ./tests/bugs/glusterd/serialize-shd-manager-glusterd-restart.t
Process leaked file descriptors. See https://jenkins.io/redirect/troubleshooting/process-leaked-file-descriptors for more information
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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