[Gluster-Maintainers] Build failed in Jenkins: netbsd-periodic #452

jenkins at build.gluster.org jenkins at build.gluster.org
Thu Nov 16 10:32:39 UTC 2017

See <https://build.gluster.org/job/netbsd-periodic/452/display/redirect?page=changes>


[Niels de Vos] fuse-lib: checked_return coverity fix

[...truncated 313.18 KB...]
ok 25, LINENUM:99
ok 26, LINENUM:100
ok 27, LINENUM:101
ok 28, LINENUM:106
ok 29, LINENUM:108
Volume Name: patchy
Type: Disperse
Volume ID: 756246d2-ac81-452e-9e19-0b6715d6f8ae
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x (2 + 1) = 3
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
ok 30, LINENUM:114
ok 31, LINENUM:116
ok 32, LINENUM:117
ok 33, LINENUM:120
ok 34, LINENUM:123
ok 35, LINENUM:129
                                    Node Rebalanced-files          size       scanned      failures       skipped               status  run time in h:m:s
                               ---------      -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------         ------------     --------------
                               localhost               74        0Bytes           500             0             0            completed        0:03:17
                                    67        0Bytes           503             0             0          in progress        0:03:18
                                    65        0Bytes           500             0             0          in progress        0:03:18
The estimated time for rebalance to complete will be unavailable for the first 10 minutes.
volume rebalance: patchy: success
ok 36, LINENUM:137
not ok 37 , LINENUM:138
FAILED COMMAND: gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/build/install/var/log/glusterfs/rebal-all-nodes-migrate.t_cli1.log volume stop patchy
not ok 38 , LINENUM:139
FAILED COMMAND: gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/build/install/var/log/glusterfs/rebal-all-nodes-migrate.t_cli1.log volume delete patchy
Failed 2/38 subtests 

Test Summary Report
./tests/basic/distribute/rebal-all-nodes-migrate.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 38 Failed: 2)
  Failed tests:  37-38
Files=1, Tests=38, 1188 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.01 sys + 15.04 cusr 629.34 csys = 644.42 CPU)
Result: FAIL
./tests/basic/distribute/rebal-all-nodes-migrate.t: bad status 1

       *       REGRESSION FAILED       *
       * Retrying failed tests in case *
       * we got some spurious failures *

volume rebalance: patchy: failed: error
volume stop: patchy: failed: Staging failed on Error: rebalance session is in progress for the volume 'patchy'
Staging failed on Error: rebalance session is in progress for the volume 'patchy'
volume delete: patchy: failed: Volume patchy has been started.Volume needs to be stopped before deletion.
./tests/basic/distribute/rebal-all-nodes-migrate.t .. 
ok 1, LINENUM:28
ok 2, LINENUM:29
ok 3, LINENUM:30
ok 4, LINENUM:31
ok 5, LINENUM:35
ok 6, LINENUM:37
Volume Name: patchy
Type: Distribute
Volume ID: 84bbb0a3-ec6d-42e6-bba5-f72805c0a923
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 4
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
ok 7, LINENUM:43
ok 8, LINENUM:45
ok 9, LINENUM:46
ok 10, LINENUM:49
ok 11, LINENUM:52
ok 12, LINENUM:58
ok 13, LINENUM:59
                                    Node Rebalanced-files          size       scanned      failures       skipped               status  run time in h:m:s
                               ---------      -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------         ------------     --------------
                               localhost               68        0Bytes           229             0             0            completed        0:00:48
                                    96        0Bytes           272             0             0            completed        0:00:51
volume rebalance: patchy: success
ok 14, LINENUM:63
ok 15, LINENUM:64
ok 16, LINENUM:65
ok 17, LINENUM:71
ok 18, LINENUM:73
Volume Name: patchy
Type: Distributed-Replicate
Volume ID: 48b29faf-484f-4271-9097-ce829337e9eb
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 2 x 2 = 4
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
performance.client-io-threads: off
ok 19, LINENUM:79
ok 20, LINENUM:81
ok 21, LINENUM:82
ok 22, LINENUM:85
ok 23, LINENUM:88
ok 24, LINENUM:94
                                    Node Rebalanced-files          size       scanned      failures       skipped               status  run time in h:m:s
                               ---------      -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------         ------------     --------------
                               localhost              132        0Bytes           500             0             0            completed        0:05:55
                                   129        0Bytes           500             0             0            completed        0:05:52
volume rebalance: patchy: success
ok 25, LINENUM:99
ok 26, LINENUM:100
ok 27, LINENUM:101
ok 28, LINENUM:106
ok 29, LINENUM:108
Volume Name: patchy
Type: Disperse
Volume ID: d535e133-7977-4f0e-8fbc-aa8a52fab80b
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x (2 + 1) = 3
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
ok 30, LINENUM:114
ok 31, LINENUM:116
ok 32, LINENUM:117
ok 33, LINENUM:120
ok 34, LINENUM:123
ok 35, LINENUM:129
                                    Node Rebalanced-files          size       scanned      failures       skipped               status  run time in h:m:s
                               ---------      -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------         ------------     --------------
                               localhost               78        0Bytes           500             0             0            completed        0:04:54
                                    65        0Bytes           507             0             0          in progress        0:04:55
                                    68        0Bytes           504             0             0          in progress        0:04:55
The estimated time for rebalance to complete will be unavailable for the first 10 minutes.
volume rebalance: patchy: success
ok 36, LINENUM:137
not ok 37 , LINENUM:138
FAILED COMMAND: gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/build/install/var/log/glusterfs/rebal-all-nodes-migrate.t_cli1.log volume stop patchy
not ok 38 , LINENUM:139
FAILED COMMAND: gluster --mode=script --wignore --glusterd-sock=/d/backends/1/glusterd/gd.sock --log-file=/build/install/var/log/glusterfs/rebal-all-nodes-migrate.t_cli1.log volume delete patchy
Failed 2/38 subtests 

Test Summary Report
./tests/basic/distribute/rebal-all-nodes-migrate.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 38 Failed: 2)
  Failed tests:  37-38
Files=1, Tests=38, 3195 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.03 sys + 28.66 cusr 1908.10 csys = 1936.82 CPU)
Result: FAIL
End of test ./tests/basic/distribute/rebal-all-nodes-migrate.t

Run complete
Number of tests found:                             49
Number of tests selected for run based on pattern: 49
Number of tests skipped as they were marked bad:   2
Number of tests skipped because of known_issues:   0
Number of tests that were run:                     47

Tests ordered by time taken, slowest to fastest: 
./tests/basic/distribute/rebal-all-nodes-migrate.t  -  1188 second
./tests/basic/afr/lk-quorum.t  -  257 second
./tests/basic/afr/split-brain-favorite-child-policy.t  -  252 second
./tests/basic/afr/gfid-mismatch-resolution-with-fav-child-policy.t  -  155 second
./tests/basic/afr/self-heal.t  -  147 second
./tests/basic/afr/sparse-file-self-heal.t  -  147 second
./tests/basic/afr/self-heald.t  -  134 second
./tests/basic/afr/gfid-mismatch-resolution-with-cli.t  -  114 second
./tests/basic/afr/entry-self-heal.t  -  97 second
./tests/basic/afr/split-brain-heal-info.t  -  92 second
./tests/basic/afr/metadata-self-heal.t  -  73 second
./tests/basic/afr/inodelk.t  -  59 second
./tests/basic/afr/split-brain-healing.t  -  54 second
./tests/basic/afr/quorum.t  -  53 second
./tests/basic/afr/arbiter-add-brick.t  -  44 second
./tests/basic/afr/arbiter.t  -  42 second
./tests/basic/afr/gfid-self-heal.t  -  38 second
./tests/basic/afr/granular-esh/conservative-merge.t  -  38 second
./tests/basic/afr/arbiter-mount.t  -  37 second
./tests/basic/afr/durability-off.t  -  35 second
./tests/basic/afr/split-brain-resolution.t  -  28 second
./tests/basic/afr/split-brain-open.t  -  27 second
./tests/basic/afr/granular-esh/granular-esh.t  -  24 second
./tests/basic/afr/granular-esh/replace-brick.t  -  23 second
./tests/basic/afr/root-squash-self-heal.t  -  23 second
./tests/basic/afr/granular-esh/granular-indices-but-non-granular-heal.t  -  23 second
./tests/basic/afr/stale-file-lookup.t  -  23 second
./tests/basic/afr/replace-brick-self-heal.t  -  23 second
./tests/basic/afr/resolve.t  -  21 second
./tests/basic/afr/add-brick-self-heal.t  -  21 second
./tests/basic/afr/heal-quota.t  -  20 second
./tests/basic/afr/granular-esh/add-brick.t  -  20 second
./tests/basic/afr/client-side-heal.t  -  19 second
./tests/basic/afr/arbiter-remove-brick.t  -  19 second
./tests/basic/afr/heal-info.t  -  18 second
./tests/basic/afr/data-self-heal.t  -  18 second
./tests/basic/afr/gfid-heal.t  -  15 second
./tests/basic/afr/read-subvol-data.t  -  15 second
./tests/basic/afr/gfid-mismatch.t  -  15 second
./tests/basic/afr/read-subvol-entry.t  -  15 second
./tests/basic/cdc.t  -  14 second
./tests/basic/afr/arbiter-statfs.t  -  12 second
./tests/basic/afr/compounded-write-txns.t  -  11 second
./tests/basic/distribute/bug-1265677-use-readdirp.t  -  10 second
./tests/basic/afr/arbiter-cli.t  -  4 second
./tests/basic/bd.t  -  1 second
./tests/basic/0symbol-check.t  -  0 second

1 test(s) failed 

0 test(s) generated core 

Result is 1

tar: Removing leading / from absolute path names in the archive
Logs archived in http://nbslave72.cloud.gluster.org/archives/logs/glusterfs-logs-20171116083427.tgz
error: fatal: change is closed

fatal: one or more reviews failed; review output above
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure

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