[Gluster-users] Replace broken host, keeping the existing bricks

kup at kg-fds.de kup at kg-fds.de
Sun Jun 9 13:00:26 UTC 2024

Hi all,

I know there are many tutorials on how to replace a gluster host that has become unusable. But they all seem to assume that the bricks of the respective host are gone, too.

My problem is different and (I hope) more easily solved: the disk with the host’s root file system died and cannot be recovered. However, all of its bricks are on separate disks and completely undamaged.

I‘m seeking your advice on what is best practice for replacing such a host.

My notion is that it should be possible to setup a new root system, configure it and have it use the existing bricks.

My questions are:

1) Is this a good idea at all or do I miss anything? Would it be better to format the existing bricks and start over with a completely clean new host, like most of the tutorials do?

2) If it is feasible to use the existing bricks, two scenarios come to my mind:
  a) Setup a new root file system for a gluster host and copy/change gluster configuration from one of the existing hosts. Adjust it so that the newly setup host actually thinks it is the old host (that died). I.e., copying over the gluster UID, Volume configurations, Hostnamen, IP, etc. (What else would it need?)
     The pool would then recognize the new host as identical to the old one that died and accept it just like the old host came online again. 

  b) Setup a new root file system for a gluster host and probe it into the trusted pool, with a new name and new gluster UID. Transfer bricks of the old host that died to the new one using „change-brick“. There would be no need for lengthy syncing as most of the data is existing and up-to-date on the new host (that has the bricks of the old host), only self-heal would take place.

Do these scenarios sound sane to you and which one would be best practice in this situation? This is a production system, so safety is relevant.

Thanks for any helpful comments and opinions!

Best, R. Kupper

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