[Gluster-users] Glusterfs community status

Stefan Kania stefan at kania-online.de
Thu Jul 11 08:06:11 UTC 2024

Unfortunately, there are hardly any answers from developers or Readhat 
people. Either there is nobody working on the project anymore, or all 
the people who know what the future of GlusterFS will be have been 
muzzled by Redhat/IBM. The whole thing shows once again how a company 
appropriates open source projects and then runs them against the wall in 
favour of its own solution (in this case GPFS).

Am 09.07.24 um 07:53 schrieb Ilias Chasapakis forumZFD:
> Hi, we at forumZFD are currently experiencing problems similar to those 
> mentioned here on the mailing list especially on the latest messages.
> Our gluster just doesn't heal all entries and "manual" healing is long 
> and tedious. Entries accumulate in time and we have to do regular 
> cleanups that take long and are risky.  Despite changing available 
> options with different combinations of values, the problem persists. So 
> we thought, "let's go to the community meeting" if not much is happening 
> here on the list. We are at the end of our knowledge and can therefore 
> no longer contribute much to the list. Unfortunately, nobody was at the 
> community meeting. Somehow we have the feeling that there is no one left 
> in the community or in the project who is interested in fixing the 
> basics of Gluster (namely the healing). Is that the case and is gluster 
> really end of life?
> We appreciate a lot the contributions in the last few years and all the 
> work done. As well as for the honest efforts to give a hand. But would 
> be good to have an orientation on the status of the project itself.
> Many thanks in advance for any replies.
> Ilias
> ________
> Community Meeting Calendar:
> Schedule -
> Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 14:30 IST / 09:00 UTC
> Bridge: https://meet.google.com/cpu-eiue-hvk
> Gluster-users mailing list
> Gluster-users at gluster.org
> https://lists.gluster.org/mailman/listinfo/gluster-users

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