[Gluster-users] Minutes of Gluster Community Meeting (APAC) 10th September 2019
Sheetal Pamecha
spamecha at redhat.com
Tue Sep 10 06:52:13 UTC 2019
The minutes of the meeting are as follows:
Gluster Community Meeting - 10/09/2019Previous Meeting minutes:
- http://github.com/gluster/community
- Recording of this meeting - No recording available for this meeting
due to technical issues
Date/Time: Check the community calendar
- APAC friendly hours
- Tuesday 10th September 2019, 11:30AM IST
- Bridge: https://bluejeans.com/9461957313
- Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 01:00 PM EDT
- Bridge: https://bluejeans.com/486278655
Name (#gluster-dev alias) - company
Sheetal Pamecha (#spamecha) - Red Hat
Sunny Kumar (sunny) - Red Hat
Rishubh Jain (risjain) - Red Hat
Ravi (@itisravi) Red Hat
Sanju Rakonde (srakonde) - RedHat
Rinku Kothiya (rinku) - RedHat
Ashhadul Islam (aislam) - Redhat
Vishal Pandey (vpandey) - RedHat
Ashish Pandey (_apandey) -RedHat
Sunil Kumar Acharya - RedHat
Shwetha Acharya (sacharya) - RedHat
Hari Gowtham (hgowtham) -Red Hat
User stories
- None
- Project metrics:
Metrics Value
Coverity <https://scan.coverity.com/projects/gluster-glusterfs> 65
Clang Scan <https://build.gluster.org/job/clang-scan/lastBuild/> 59
Test coverage
New Bugs in last 14 days
Gluster User Queries in last 14 days
Total Bugs
Total Github issues <https://github.com/gluster/glusterfs/issues> 399
Any release updates?
- We are yet to merge some patches which are present in release6 but not
in release7. We are waiting for it to pass centos regression.
Blocker issues across the project?
Notable thread form mailing list
Conferences / Meetups
- Gluster Meetup on September 25th
Register here: https://www.meetup.com/glusterfs-India/events/264366771/*
- Developers’ Conference - {Date}
Important dates:
CFP Opens:
CFP Closes:
CFP Status Notifications:
Schedule Announcement:
Event Opens for Registration :
Event dates:
GlusterFS - v7.0 and beyond
- Proposal -
- Proposed Plan:
- GlusterFS-7.0 (July 1st) - Stability, Automation - Only
- GlusterFS-8.0 (Nov 1st) - <Open for discussion> - Plan for Fedora
- GlusterFS-9.0 (March 1st, 2020) Reflink, io_uring, and similar
The maintainers have to file a github issue about what they want to
work on for release 8. the planning has to be started.
Developer focus
- Any design specs to discuss?
- nil
Component status
- Arbiter - no updates
- AFR - no updates
- DHT - no updates
- EC - fixed new data corruption issues and working on some scripts for
automation for handling edge cases
- FUSE - no updates
- POSIX - no updates
- DOC - no updates
- Geo Replication - no updates
- libglusterfs - no updates
- glusterd - no updates
- Snapshot - no updates
- NFS - no updates
- thin-arbiter -
Flash Talk Gluster
- Typical 5 min talk about Gluster with up to 5 more minutes for
Recent Blog posts / Document updates
- https://medium.com/@tumballi/fixing-glusters-git-history-6031096f6120
- https://medium.com/@rune.henriksen.skat/hey-wilson-wilson-3540521ecfc0
- https://shwetha174.blogspot.com/search/label/Gluster
Gluster Friday Five
- Every friday we release this, which basically covers highlight of week
in gluster.Also you can find more videos in youtube link.
Sanju will host next meeting
- Who will host next meeting?
- Host will need to send out the agenda 24hr - 12hrs in advance to
mailing list, and also make sure to send the meeting minutes.
- Host will need to reach out to one user at least who can talk about
their usecase, their experience, and their needs.
- Host needs to send meeting minutes as PR to
- The readme <https://github.com/gluster/community> gives detailed
steps for the host to follow.
- Who will take notes from the next meeting?
Sunny - Please RSVP to gluster meet up
Yaniv will talk about Gluster X and Aravinda will talk about kaDalu
Sunny - Should we start using hangouts for video calls than using bluejens?
Ravi - Hangouts may have some limitations on no of people that can join
meeting, which should be checked
Deepshika - Hangounts video is not integrated with Red Hat conference
calling system
- Gluster X
Action Items on host
- Check-in Minutes of meeting for this meeting
Sheetal Pamecha
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