[Gluster-users] Gluster processes remaining after stopping glusterd

ismael mondiu mondiu at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 18 12:43:41 UTC 2017

Thank you Atin .

 That's exactly what i wanted.

De : Atin Mukherjee <amukherj at redhat.com>
Envoyé : mercredi 18 octobre 2017 14:17
À : ismael mondiu
Cc : gluster-users at gluster.org
Objet : Re: [Gluster-users] Gluster processes remaining after stopping glusterd

On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 3:28 PM, ismael mondiu <mondiu at hotmail.com<mailto:mondiu at hotmail.com>> wrote:


I noticed that when i stop my gluster server via systemctl stop glusterd command , one glusterfs process is still up.

Which is the correct way to stop all gluster processes in my host?

Stopping glusterd service doesn't bring down any other services than glusterd process. We do have a script stop-all-gluster-processes.sh (available in /usr/share/glusterfs/scripts/ path) by which all gluster related services can be brought down.

That's we see after run the command:


[root at xxxxxx ~]# ps -ef |  grep -i glu
root      1825     1  0 Oct05 ?        00:05:07 /usr/sbin/glusterfsd -s dvihcasc0s --volfile-id advdemo.dvihcasc0s.opt-glusterfs-advdemo -p /var/lib/glusterd/vols/advdemo/run/dvihcasc0s-opt-glusterfs-advdemo.pid -S /var/run/gluster/b7cbd8cac308062ef1ad823a3abf54f5.socket --brick-name /opt/glusterfs/advdemo -l /var/log/glusterfs/bricks/opt-glusterfs-advdemo.log --xlator-option *-posix.glusterd-uuid=30865b77-4da5-4f40-9945-0bd2cf55ac2a --brick-port 49152 --xlator-option advdemo-server.listen-port=49152
root      2058     1  0 Oct05 ?        00:00:28 /usr/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/glustershd -p /var/lib/glusterd/glustershd/run/glustershd.pid -l /var/log/glusterfs/glustershd.log -S /var/run/gluster/fe4d4b13937be47e8fef6fd69be60899.socket --xlator-option *replicate*.node-uuid=30865b77-4da5-4f40-9945-0bd2cf55ac2a
root     40044 39906  0 11:55 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i glu




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