[Gluster-users] Little Problem with GlusterFS SMB

cyborg cyborg at becit.ch
Thu Feb 9 10:55:12 UTC 2017

Hey guys,

I'm new here.

I’m trying to set an glusterfs @home, and I’ve little troubles.

Server: Debian 8
GlusterFS Version: glusterfs 3.5.2 built on Sep 17 2016 22:25:29

My problem is, that when I try to share the mounted glusterfs directory with SMB like its explained in (http://gluster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Administrator%20Guide/Setting%20Up%20Clients/?highlight=smb#cifs <http://gluster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Administrator%20Guide/Setting%20Up%20Clients/?highlight=smb#cifs>)

Then I get always the following after be able to connect, and try to put some files in:

$ ls -al /mnt/
d??????????  ? ?      ?         ?            ? test

Before I try to put some files, I have connection..

Do you have ideas?


cyborg at becit.ch
GPG: 6C2C 102E 078F 58
github: https://github.com/felixbello

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