[Gluster-users] What application workloads are too slow for you on gluster?

Kevin Lemonnier lemonnierk at ulrar.net
Mon Sep 26 20:59:50 UTC 2016

On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 03:52:07PM -0400, Gambit15 wrote:
>    No problems with web hosting here, including loads of busy Wordpress sites
>    & the like. However you need to tune your filesystems correctly.
>    In our case, we've got webserver VMs running on top of a Gluster layer
>    with the following configurations...

Yes, I mentionned that. Running a VM on top of gluster works well, having the site
directly on gluster doesn't.

>    This problem isn't so much Gluster's fault, as people trying to use a
>    distributed filesystem/volume like a local disk.

Yes, that's true, but on things like wordpress or prestashop you can't really
help it. Most of the time those applications are developped assuming they are
running on a single server, prestashop for example (or some plugins, I don't
deal with applications myself, I don't know) requires to be able to delete the
cache to work properly. So you need the cache to be stored on the volume, which
is horribly slow, even with APCu and varnish and anything you want installed.

We can't choose what the client wants to run, and currently the only way to
support things like prestashop or wordpress is to either run a VM on top of
glusterFS, which isn't always possible, or just use something else. I really
hope the improvments Pranith mentionned will help in that regard, I'd love
to use GlusterFS for more than just hosting VMs.

Kevin Lemonnier
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