[Gluster-users] Fuse memleaks, all versions

Pranith Kumar Karampuri pkarampu at redhat.com
Tue Aug 2 03:11:47 UTC 2016

On Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 3:40 PM, Yannick Perret <yannick.perret at liris.cnrs.fr
> wrote:

> Le 29/07/2016 à 18:39, Pranith Kumar Karampuri a écrit :
> On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 2:26 PM, Yannick Perret <
> yannick.perret at liris.cnrs.fr> wrote:
>> Ok, last try:
>> after investigating more versions I found that FUSE client leaks memory
>> on all of them.
>> I tested:
>> - 3.6.7 client on debian 7 32bit and on debian 8 64bit (with 3.6.7
>> serveurs on debian 8 64bit)
>> - 3.6.9 client on debian 7 32bit and on debian 8 64bit (with 3.6.7
>> serveurs on debian 8 64bit)
>> - 3.7.13 client on debian 8 64bit (with 3.8.1 serveurs on debian 8 64bit)
>> - 3.8.1 client on debian 8 64bit (with 3.8.1 serveurs on debian 8 64bit)
>> In all cases compiled from sources, appart for 3.8.1 where .deb were used
>> (due to a configure runtime error).
>> For 3.7 it was compiled with --disable-tiering. I also tried to compile
>> with --disable-fusermount (no change).
>> In all of these cases the memory (resident & virtual) of glusterfs
>> process on client grows on each activity and never reach a max (and never
>> reduce).
>> "Activity" for these tests is cp -Rp and ls -lR.
>> The client I let grows the most overreached ~4Go RAM. On smaller machines
>> it ends by OOM killer killing glusterfs process or glusterfs dying due to
>> allocation error.
>> In 3.6 mem seems to grow continusly, whereas in 3.8.1 it grows by "steps"
>> (430400 ko → 629144 (~1min) → 762324 (~1min) → 827860…).
>> All tests performed on a single test volume used only by my test client.
>> Volume in a basic x2 replica. The only parameters I changed on this volume
>> (without any effect) are diagnostics.client-log-level set to ERROR and
>> network.inode-lru-limit set to 1024.
> Could you attach statedumps of your runs?
> The following link has steps to capture this(
> https://gluster.readthedocs.io/en/latest/Troubleshooting/statedump/ ). We
> basically need to see what are the memory types that are increasing. If you
> could help find the issue, we can send the fixes for your workload. There
> is a 3.8.2 release in around 10 days I think. We can probably target this
> issue for that?
> Here are statedumps.
> Steps:
> 1. mount -t glusterfs ldap1.my.domain:SHARE /root/MNT/ (here VSZ and RSS
> are 381896 35828)
> 2. take a dump with kill -USR1 <pid-of-glusterfs-process> (file
> glusterdump.n1.dump.1470042769)
> 3. perform a 'ls -lR /root/MNT | wc -l' (btw result of wc -l is 518396 :))
> and a 'cp -Rp /usr/* /root/MNT/boo' (VSZ/RSS are 1301536/711992 at end of
> these operations)
> 4. take a dump with kill -USR1 <pid-of-glusterfs-process> (file
> glusterdump.n2.dump.1470043929)
> 5. do 'cp -Rp * /root/MNT/toto/', so on an other directory (VSZ/RSS are
> 1432608/909968 at end of this operation)
> 6. take a dump with kill -USR1 <pid-of-glusterfs-process> (file
> glusterdump.n3.dump.)

      Thanks a lot for providing this information. Looking at these steps,
I don't see any problem for the increase in memory. Both ls -lR and cp -Rp
commands you did in the step-3 will add new inodes in memory which increase
the memory. What happens is as long as the kernel thinks these inodes need
to be in memory gluster keeps them in memory. Once kernel doesn't think the
inode is necessary, it sends 'inode-forgets'. At this point the memory
starts reducing. So it kind of depends on the memory pressure kernel is
under. But you said it lead to OOM-killers on smaller machines which means
there could be some leaks. Could you modify the steps as follows to check
to confirm there are leaks? Please do this test on those smaller machines
which lead to OOM-killers.

1. mount -t glusterfs ldap1.my.domain:SHARE /root/MNT/ (here VSZ and RSS
are 381896 35828)
2. perform a 'ls -lR /root/MNT | wc -l' (btw result of wc -l is 518396 :))
and a 'cp -Rp /usr/* /root/MNT/boo' (VSZ/RSS are 1301536/711992 at end of
these operations)
3. do 'cp -Rp * /root/MNT/toto/', so on an other directory (VSZ/RSS are
1432608/909968 at end of this operation)
4. Delete all the files and directories you created in steps 2, 3 above
5. Take statedump with kill -USR1 <pid-of-glusterfs-process>
6. Repeat steps from 2-5

Attach these two statedumps. I think the statedumps will be even more
affective if the mount does not have any data when you start the experiment.


> Dump files are gzip'ed because they are very large.
> Dump files are here (too big for email):
> http://wikisend.com/download/623430/glusterdump.n1.dump.1470042769.gz
> http://wikisend.com/download/771220/glusterdump.n2.dump.1470043929.gz
> http://wikisend.com/download/428752/glusterdump.n3.dump.1470045181.gz
> (I keep the files if someone whats them in an other format)
> Client and servers are installed from .deb files
> (glusterfs-client_3.8.1-1_amd64.deb and glusterfs-common_3.8.1-1_amd64.deb
> on client side).
> They are all Debian 8 64bit. Servers are test machines that serve only one
> volume to this sole client. Volume is a simple x2 replica. I just changed
> for test network.inode-lru-limit value to 1024. Mount point /root/MNT is
> only used for these tests.
> --
> Y.

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