[Gluster-users] Can't create volume. Can't delete volume. Volume does not exist. Can't create volume.

Kaushal M kshlmster at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 09:03:30 UTC 2015

This happens because of 2 things,
1. GlusterFS writes an extended attribute containing the volume-id to every
brick directory when a volume is created. This is done to prevent data
being written to the root partition, in case the partition containing the
brick wasn't mounted for any reason.
2. Deleting a GlusterFS volume does not remove any data in the brick
directories and the brick directories themselves. We leave the decision of
cleaning up the data to the user. The extended attribute is also not
removed, so that an unused brick is not inadvertently added to another
volume as it could lead to losing existing data.

So if you want to reuse a brick, you need to clean it up and recreate the
brick directory.

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 4:38 AM, Ernie Dunbar <maillist at lightspeed.ca>

>  I'm just going to paste this here to see if it drives you as mad as it
> does me.
> I'm trying to re-create a new volume in gluster. The old volume is empty
> and can be removed. And besides that, this is just an experimental server
> that isn't in production just yet. Who cares. I just want to start over
> again because it's not working.
> root at nfs1:/home/ernied# gluster
> gluster> vol create gv0 replica 2 nfs1:/brick1/gv0 nfs2:/brick1/gv0
> volume create: gv0: failed: /brick1/gv0 is already part of a volume
> gluster> vol in
> No volumes present
> gluster> root at nfs1:/home/ernied# ^C
> root at nfs1:/home/ernied# rm -r /brick1/gv0
> root at nfs1:/home/ernied# gluster
> gluster> vol create gv0 replica 2 nfs1:/brick1/gv0 nfs2:/brick1/gv0
> volume create: gv0: failed: Host nfs2 is not in 'Peer in Cluster' state
> gluster> peer probe nfs2
> peer probe: success. Host nfs2 port 24007 already in peer list
> gluster> volume list
> No volumes present in cluster
> gluster> volume delete gv0
> Deleting volume will erase all information about the volume. Do you want
> to continue? (y/n) y
> volume delete: gv0: failed: Volume gv0 does not exist
> gluster> vol create gv0 replica 2 nfs1:/brick1/gv0 nfs2:/brick1/gv0
> volume create: gv0: failed: /brick1/gv0 is already part of a volume
> gluster> vol create evil replica 2 nfs1:/brick1/gv0 nfs2:/brick1/gv0
> volume create: evil: failed: /brick1/gv0 is already part of a volume
> gluster>
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