[Gluster-users] Emulating node outages

Atin Mukherjee amukherj at redhat.com
Tue Dec 8 04:12:00 UTC 2015

On 12/07/2015 07:35 PM, Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> I've been stress testing gluster (VM hosting), including testing how
> well it handles node outages.
> Since I can't physically reboot or reset the nodes I've been doing the
> following:
>     killall glusterd glusterfsd
> Is there a better way of emulating a node failure?
> Is there a clean way to close glusterfsd without killing it?
There is a script called stop-all-gluster-processes.sh which we ship as
part of the package and that should clean up the other associated
processes too along with the mentioned above.
> Thanks - Lindsay
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