[Gluster-users] GlusterFS Ports

Michael Wittig post at michaelwittig.info
Wed Apr 1 12:51:45 UTC 2015

I need to setup firewall rules and therefore need to know who wants to talk
to whom. I found in the mailinglist:

"glusterd's management port is 24007/tcp (also 24008/tcp if you use rdma).
 Bricks (glusterfsd) use 49152 & up since 3.4.0 (24009 & up previously).
 (Deleted volumes do not reset this counter.) Additionally it will listen on
 38465-38467/tcp for nfs, also 38468 for NLM since 3.3.0. NFS also depends
 on rpcbind/portmap on port 111 and 2049 since 3.4"

But what ports are used by servers and what ports are used by clients?

I guess:
servers talk with servers on 24007 via tcp
servers talk with servers on 24008 via tcp
servers talk with servers on 49152-xxx via tcp
clients talk with servers on 111 via tcp and udp
clients talk with servers on 2049 via tcp

I am unsure about:
clients talk with servers on 38465-38467 via tcp
clients talk with servers on 38468 via tcp

Anything else I missed?

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