[Gluster-users] Hosed installation

Ryan Nix ryan.nix at gmail.com
Thu Oct 9 17:05:42 UTC 2014

Thanks, Ted.  I'll try this today.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 11:11 AM, Ted Miller <tmiller at hcjb.org> wrote:

>  On 10/7/2014 1:56 PM, Ryan Nix wrote:
> Hello,
>  I seem to have hosed my installation while trying to replace a failed
> brick.  The instructions for replacing the brick with a different host
> name/IP on the Gluster site are no longer available so I used the
> instructions from the Redhat Storage class that I attended last week, which
> assumed the replacement had the same host name.
> http://community.gluster.org/q/a-replica-node-has-failed-completely-and-must-be-replaced-with-new-empty-hardware-how-do-i-add-the-new-hardware-and-bricks-back-into-the-replica-pair-and-begin-the-healing-process/
>  It seems the working brick (I had two servers with simple replication
> only) will not release the DNS entry of the failed brick.
>  Is there any way to simply reset Gluster completely?
> The simple way to "reset gluster completely" would be to delete the volume
> and start over.  Sometimes this is the quickest way, especially if you only
> have one or two volumes.
> If nothing has changed, deleting the volume will not affect the data on
> the brick.
> You can either:
> Find and follow the instructions to delete the "markers" that glusterfs
> puts on the brick, in which case the create process should be the same as
> any new volume creation.
> Otherwise, when you do the "volume create..." step, it will give you an
> error, something like 'brick already in use'.  You used to be able to
> override that by adding --force to the command line.  (Have not needed it
> lately, so don't know if it still works.)
> Hope this helps
> Ted Miller
> Elkhart, IN
>  Just to confirm, if I delete the volume so I can start over, deleting
> the volume will not delete the data.  Is this correct?  Finally, once the
> volume is deleted, do I have to do what Joe Julian recommended here?
> http://joejulian.name/blog/glusterfs-path-or-a-prefix-of-it-is-already-part-of-a-volume/
>  Thanks for any insights.
>  - Ryan
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