[Gluster-users] Possible to use libgfapi with libvirt in CentOS 6.5?

Lalatendu Mohanty lmohanty at redhat.com
Sat Mar 29 20:46:40 UTC 2014

On 03/29/2014 06:46 AM, Dave Christianson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just installed a Fedora 20 test host, and after struggling with 
> dependencies I'm happy to report that everything works perfectly. I'm 
> not relying on the virt-manager gui at all, and from what I'm reading, 
> currently libvirt cannot start an image from gluster via libgfapi 
> anyway(?).
> For various reasons I don't wish to use Fedora in my production 
> environment, so until the SIG group works their magic, if there is a 
> way to compile the latest sources for qemu and libvirt on CentOS or 
> Debian, I'll be in business.
> The performance difference between libgfapi and fuse is like night and 
> day, very impressive. I never want to have to go back to running VM's 
> over fuse again.
> Thanks again to everyone,
> David
Hey David,

Thanks for confirming about Fedora 20. Regarding  "currently libvirt 
cannot start an image from gluster via libgfapi anyway(?)."  Do you mean 
using virt-manager you cann't see a vm image through libgfapi and you 
need a fuse mount for this? But you can modify vm instance through qemu 
tools and then use libgfapi.

Yes, there is a way to compile latest code available compile it for 
CentOS6.5. Here are the steps.

  * We need relevant spec file and source code  to build RPM.
  * Spec file can be found by extracting [1] the source RPM of latest
    libvirt of CentOS 6.5 [2] or publicly available latest RHEL6.5
    libvirt src RPM [3].
  * For source we can take the source from Fedora20 [4] (again extract
    from src RPM) as it will be stabler than upstream latest code.
  * And try to create RPM using spec file of CentOS and source code of

If you have specific questions on it , we can take help from Kaleb, or  
we can contact centos-devel mailing list. I am also working with it and 
if possible will provide the packages in gluster repository[5].

/However, I think we dont have enough documentation[6] on this and we 
badly need documentation on this. The documentation should have 
information about using libgfapi with qemu and libvirt. May be an 
example with Fedora 20 or some other distros would be good.

/I have created a gluster wiki page[6] for this. I would request 
everybody (specially in this email thread :)) to contribute for it. //If 
you are new in gluster documentation refer [7] for details/.

[2] http://vault.centos.org/6.5/os/Source/SPackages/
[3] http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/6Server/en/os/SRPMS/
[4] http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=505311
[5] http://download.gluster.org/


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