[Gluster-users] Gluster 3.4.2 on Redhat 6.5

Steve Thomas sthomas at rpstechnologysolutions.co.uk
Wed Mar 26 13:11:50 UTC 2014

Hi All,

I've got to the bottom of it.... By running glusterd in foreground with debug enabled I was able to see two error messages when the command was being run... it appears that it was requiring the xfsprogs package which I did not have installed. Once I installed it it appears that zombie processes are no longer being "created".



From: Carlos Capriotti [mailto:capriotti.carlos at gmail.com]
Sent: 25 March 2014 12:30
To: Steve Thomas
Cc: gluster-users at gluster.org
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Gluster 3.4.2 on Redhat 6.5


Tested that myself - not the nagios part, but the gluster commands you posted later - and no errors or zombies.

Somebody else reported the same, so, sounds consistent.

There must be another process there biting your gluster, turning it into a haunted scenario.



On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 12:19 PM, Steve Thomas <sthomas at rpstechnologysolutions.co.uk<mailto:sthomas at rpstechnologysolutions.co.uk>> wrote:

I'm running Gluster 3.4.2 on Redhat 6.5 with 4 servers with a brick on each. This brick is mounted locally and used by apache to server audio files for an IVR system. Each of these audio files are typically around 80-100Kb.

System appears to be working ok in terms of health and status via gluster CLI.

The system is monitored by nagios and there's a check for zombie processes and the gluster status. It appears that over a 24 hour period the number of Zombie processes on the box has increased and is continually increasing. Investigating these are "glusterd" processes.

I'm making an assumption but I'd suspect that the regular nagios checks are resulting in the increase in zombie processes as they are querying the glusterd process. The command that the nagios plugin is running is:

#Check heal status
gluster volume heal audio info

#Check volume status
gluster volume status audio detail

Does anyone have any suggestions as to why glusterd is resulting in these zombie processes?

Thanks for help in advance,


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