[Gluster-users] How to compile gluster 3.4 on Mac OS X 10.8.4?

Carlos Capriotti capriotti.carlos at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 21:56:07 UTC 2014


Out of curiosity, and never meaning to discourage you, but gluster, deep
inside, is a server-side application, designed to manage multiple volume
spans. You get the cluster stuff, of course.

What would be the objective of coding Gluster on Mac OS, if Apple no longer
sells that platform (servers) ?

I could see some interest on Fuse, but, again, there is samba/smb
connection and NFS for mac clients.

Something is not quite right on this equation: gluster for mac desktops ?



On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 10:42 PM, Dennis Schafroth <dennis at schafroth.dk>wrote:

> On 31 Aug 2013, at 01:52 , Justin Clift <jclift at redhat.com> wrote:
> > On 30/08/2013, at 10:59 PM, Peng Yu wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I run ./configure then make. But I see the following error. Does
> >> anybody know how to compile gluster 3.4 on Mac OS X 10.8.4? Thanks.
> >
> > Hi Peng,
> >
> > GlusterFS doesn't yet work on OSX. :(
> >
> > A long time ago (many versions), it used to.  But it doesn't
> > any more.
> >
> > Out of curiosity, are you a C coder, potentially interested
> > in making it work? :)
> I am a C/C++ coder, but I have mostly been in Java land the later years.
> Interested in making it work, but not sure how big a task it is.
> Some linux / UNIX 2008 functions is missing on OSX (and BSD?), like
> at-functions. I can see two libraries (gnulib or libspl from MacZFS) that
> technical could help with this, but are there licensing issue using these?
> Also rpc_sizeof method (but seems easy enough)  is missing.  Will it work
> between different implementations?
> FUSE seems to be the biggest problem, with macfuse being unsupported for
> years and osxfuse also behind in version.
> Beside autoconf, automake, format strings and other trivial (famous last
> word) stuff, are there other stuff I am overlooking?
> cheers,
> :-Dennis Schafroth
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