[Gluster-users] high memory usage of mount

Tamas Papp tompos at martos.bme.hu
Thu Jul 31 07:17:21 UTC 2014

On 07/31/2014 09:02 AM, Poornima Gurusiddaiah wrote:
> Hi,


> Can you provide the statedump of the process, it can be obtained as follows:
> $ gluster --print-statedumpdir  #create this directory if it doesn't exist.
> $ kill -USR1 <pid-of-glusterfs-process>  #generates state dump.


> Also, xporting Gluster via Samba-VFS-plugin method is preferred over Fuse mount export. For more details refer to:
> http://lalatendumohanty.wordpress.com/2014/02/11/using-glusterfs-with-samba-and-samba-vfs-plugin-for-glusterfs-on-fedora-20/

When I tried it about half year ago it didn't work properly. Clients 
lost mounts, access errors etc.

But I will give it a try, though it's not included in ubuntu's samba AFAIK.

Thank you,

ps. I forget to mention, I can see this issue only one node. The rest of 
nodes are fine.

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