[Gluster-users] Gluster.org site relaunch

Roman.Bigler at swisscom.com Roman.Bigler at swisscom.com
Fri Jul 11 07:50:56 UTC 2014

I agree with John here, and consider myself in the young camp and have sharp vision.

IMO, larger text sections are not only difficult to read; but essentially unreadable by the
most basic typographic standards. The clouds are just not enough of an uniform background for
text sections with a smaller font size (It works well for the landing page for this reason, where there
is a big title and few text paragraphs). 

You should either blur out the background image where necessary or provide a underlay for larger 
text paragraphs. Similar to the spotlight section on the landing page (by the way, under Safari 
on OS X the text there bleeds out on the right side).

That being said; I like the font you chose. It looks good on non-hidpi (“Retina”) resolutions, I suspect
on high dpi displays it’s even better (future-proof!).


On 11.07.2014, at 01:04, John Gardeniers <jgardeniers at objectmastery.com> wrote:

> It looks very pretty. Unfortunately, the background which makes it look
> pretty also makes it difficult to read the text, as it greatly reduces
> the contrast. It's bad enough with the grey text but blue text on a blue
> background? Such a scheme may be alright for young eyes but for me it's
> a real pain. Literally. Reading more than a paragraph or two it's
> causing eye strain.
> regards,
> John
> On 10/07/14 12:56, Eco Willson wrote:
>> Greetings all,
>> Just a quick note to let everyone know that we switched over to the new Gluster.org site earlier this evening, please feel free to take a look for yourselves at www.gluster.org.  In addition to the updated graphics and layout, we are now using the Middleman site generator to allow the site to be statically generated.  Some of the new changes you will notice are a spotlight section on the front page.  New navigation is in place as well.  The look and layout have also changed.  We are still maintaining a legacy version of the site so any old bookmarks you have should work just fine.  
>> Your feedback is welcome and appreciated, let us know of any issues you find.  I will write a more detailed blog post that includes some of the changes and how end users can update the documentation portion of the site.
>> Thanks,
>> Eco
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