[Gluster-users] yum issue with rhel 6, gluster-repo

James purpleidea at gmail.com
Tue Jan 28 04:04:52 UTC 2014

On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Jason Marley <jmarley at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have tried to install the gluster rpms in a couple of ways and have been unsuccessful on rhel6 (I was successful with F20 after I disabled firewalld and installed iptables).

My Puppet-Gluster module can automatically configure your repo either
automatically (to the latest stable version) or build the correct repo
file from a version string.

You can either use that piece of the module directly, or browse it to
know what pattern to use. Alternatively, you can use it generate your
own repo file.


I've attached the gluster.repo file that it generated for CentOS6.5.

Try doing a 'sudo yum clean all' before/after switching to this file.


> I ran into issues using the provided yum repo configuration (http://download.gluster.org/pub/gluster/glusterfs/LATEST/RHEL/glusterfs-epel.repo), which I have captured my log here: http://www.fpaste.org/72143/08590291/
> I also try to run the wget command and pull the rpm's in and it failed as well. I have captured my log here: http://www.fpaste.org/72146/85953013/
> Any help would be appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Jason
> Jason D. Marley, RHCJA, RHCSA
> Senior Consultant
> Red Hat, Inc
> jason.marley at redhat.com | http://www.redhat.com
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