[Gluster-users] delete brick / format / add empty brick

Alun James ajames at tibus.com
Tue Jan 7 16:10:42 UTC 2014

Hi folks, 

I had a 2 node (1 brick each) replica, some network meltdown issues seemed to cause problems with second node (server02). glusterfsd process reaching 200-300% and errors relating to split brain possibilities and self heal errors. 

Original volume info: 

Volume Name: myvol 

Type: Replicate 
Status: Started 
Number of Bricks: 2 
Transport-type: tcp 
Brick1: server01:/brick1 
Brick2: server02:/brick1 

I removed the second brick (that was showing server problems). 

gluster volume remove-brick myvol replica 1 server02:/brick1 

Now the volume status is: 

Volume Name: tsfsvol0 
Type: Distribute 
Status: Started 
Number of Bricks: 1 
Transport-type: tcp 
Brick1: server01:/brick1 

All is fine and the data on working server is sound. 

The xfs partition for server02:/brick1 has been formatted and therefore the data gone. All other gluster config data has remained untouched. Can I re-add the second server to the volume with an empty brick and the data will auto replicate over from the working server? 

gluster volume add-brick myvol replica 2 server2:/brick1 ?? 

Senior Systems Engineer 

T: +44 (0)28 9033 1122 
E: ajames at tibus.com 
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