[Gluster-users] [Users] Stopping glusterfsd service shut down data center

Vijay Bellur vbellur at redhat.com
Mon Jan 6 09:44:24 UTC 2014

Adding gluster-users.

On 01/06/2014 12:25 AM, Amedeo Salvati wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm testing ovirt+glusterfs with only two node for all (engine,
> glusterfs, hypervisors),  on centos 6.5 hosts following guide at:
> http://community.redhat.com/blog/2013/09/up-and-running-with-ovirt-3-3/
> http://www.gluster.org/2013/09/ovirt-3-3-glusterized/
> but with some change like setting on glusterfs, parameter
> cluster.server-quorum-ratio to 50% (due to prevent glusterfs to go down
> if one node goes done) and option on /etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol "option
> base-port 50152" (due to libvirt port conflict).
> So, with the above parameter I was able to stop/reboot node not used to
> directly mount glusterfs (eg lovhm002), but when I stop/reboot node,
> that is used to mount glusterfs (eg node lovhm001), all data center goes
> done, especially when I stop service glusterfsd (not glusterd
> service!!!), but the glusterfs still alive and is reachable on node
> lovhm002 that survives but ovirt/libvirt marks DC/storage in error.
> Do you have any ideas to configure DC/Cluster on ovirt that remains
> aware if node used to mount glusterfs goes down?

This seems to be due to client quorum in glusterfs. It can be observed 
that client quorum is on since option cluster.quorum-type has been set 
to value "auto".

client quorum gets enabled by default as part of "Optimize for Virt" 
action in oVirt or by enabling "volume set group virt" in gluster CLI. 
client quorum gets enabled by default to provide additional protection 
against split-brains. In case of a gluster volume with replica count > 
2, client quorum returns an error if writes/updates fail in more than 
50% of the bricks. However, when the replica count happens to be 2, 
updates are failed if the first server/glusterfsd is not online.

If the chances of a network partition and a split brain is not 
significant in your setup, you can turn off client quorum by setting 
option cluster.quorum-type to value "none".


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