[Gluster-users] fractured/split glusterfs - 2 up, 2 down for an hour

harry mangalam harry.mangalam at uci.edu
Sun Jan 5 01:59:49 UTC 2014

On Saturday, January 04, 2014 10:45:29 PM Vijay Bellur wrote:
> rdma.so seems to be missing here. Is glusterfs-rdma-3.4.2-1 rpm 
> installed on the servers?

It's not.  The original gluster (3.2, I think) was set up with RDMA and IP 
transport but RDMA was never instantiated and it's been working fine without 
it (except for the zillions of repeating errors).

Harry Mangalam - Research Computing, OIT, Rm 225 MSTB, UC Irvine
[m/c 2225] / 92697 Google Voice Multiplexer: (949) 478-4487
415 South Circle View Dr, Irvine, CA, 92697 [shipping]
MSTB Lat/Long: (33.642025,-117.844414) (paste into Google Maps)
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