[Gluster-users] Gluster Community members visiting FOSDEM and DevConf in early February 2014

James purpleidea at gmail.com
Fri Jan 3 18:19:44 UTC 2014

On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 10:40 AM, Niels de Vos <ndevos at redhat.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> on the weekend on 1-2 Febuary FOSDEM[1] will take place in Brussels, Belgium.
> Several users and Gluster community members will be attending the event. Some
> of us are trying to arrange a Gluster Community table with some promotional
> materials, demo's, Q+A and face-to-face chats.
> If you are interested in joining us, please let us know by responding to this
> email with some details, or add your note to the TitanPad[2]. In case you want
> to discuss a specific topic or would like to see a certain GlusterFS
> use-case/application, tell us in advance and we'll try to be prepared for it.

I'd love to attend if someone can cover my travel expenses. I'm happy
to give a talk too. I've got all the Vagrant stuff mostly done, and I
should have a public release of it with some new puppet-gluster code
within the week.


> Part of the same group of people will be going to Brno, Czech Republic for
> DevConf [3] the weekend after FOSDEM. We might be able to arrange a workshop or
> presentation there too. However, we would like to hear from others what they
> prefer to see/hear/do, so please post your wishes!
> I hope to see a bunch of you in Brussels,
> Niels
> [1] https://fosdem.org
> [2] http://titanpad.com/gluster-at-fosdem2014
> [3] http://devconf.cz
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