[Gluster-users] Mounting backup server

Frank Kirschner fk.admin at celebrate.de
Tue Dec 16 08:44:41 UTC 2014


running glusterfs 3.6.1 on a client. In fact of a bug, I'm doing mount the
volume manually like this:

# env -i LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" /usr/sbin/glusterfs --volfile-id=volume1
--volfile-server= /mnt/glusterfs/

Now I want to have the 2nd server (it's a replicated volume) als backup
server, but this fails:

# env -i LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" /usr/sbin/glusterfs -o
backup-volfile-servers= --volfile-id=volume1
--volfile-server= /mnt/glusterfs/

=> /usr/sbin/glusterfs: invalid option -- 'o'

The man page of glusterfs doesn't knowing a "o" option. Is there a solution

best regards

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