[Gluster-users] Upgraded from 3.4.1 to 3.5.2, quota no longer working

David Gibbons david.c.gibbons at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 13:05:55 UTC 2014

Certainly, thank you for your response:

Quotad is running on all nodes:

> [root at gfs-a-1 ~]# ps aux | grep quotad
> root      3004  0.0  0.4 241368 68552 ?        Ssl  Nov30   0:07
>> /usr/local/sbin/glusterfs -s localhost --volfile-id gluster/quotad -p
>> /var/lib/glusterd/quotad/run/quotad.pid -l
>> /usr/local/var/log/glusterfs/quotad.log -S
>> /var/run/9d02605105ef0e74d913a4671c1143a1.socket --xlator-option
>> *replicate*.data-self-heal=off --xlator-option
>> *replicate*.metadata-self-heal=off --xlator-option
>> *replicate*.entry-self-heal=off
And the relevant output from gluster volume status shares per your request:

> [root at gfs-a-1 ~]# gluster volume status shares | grep Quota

Quota Daemon on localhost                               N/A     Y       3004

Quota Daemon on gfs-a-3                                 N/A     Y
> 32307

Quota Daemon on gfs-a-4                                 N/A     Y
> 10818

Quota Daemon on gfs-a-2                                 N/A     Y
> 12292

 No log entries are created in /var/log/glusterfs/quotad.log when I run a
quota list; all of the log entries are from yesterday. They do indicate a
version mis-match, although I can't seem to locate where that version is

> [2014-11-30 13:21:55.173081] I
>> [client-handshake.c:1474:client_setvolume_cbk] 0-shares-client-14: Server
>> and Client lk-version numbers are not same, reopening the fds
> [2014-11-30 13:21:55.173170] I
>> [client-handshake.c:450:client_set_lk_version_cbk] 0-shares-client-14:
>> Server lk version = 1
> [2014-11-30 13:21:55.178739] I [rpc-clnt.c:1729:rpc_clnt_reconfig]
>> 0-shares-client-9: changing port to 49154 (from 0)
> [2014-11-30 13:21:55.181170] I
>> [client-handshake.c:1677:select_server_supported_programs]
>> 0-shares-client-9: Using Program GlusterFS 3.3, Num (1298437), Version (330)
> [2014-11-30 13:21:55.181386] I
>> [client-handshake.c:1462:client_setvolume_cbk] 0-shares-client-9: Connected
>> to, attached to remote volume
>> '/mnt/a-3-shares-brick-3/brick'.
> [2014-11-30 13:21:55.181401] I
>> [client-handshake.c:1474:client_setvolume_cbk] 0-shares-client-9: Server
>> and Client lk-version numbers are not same, reopening the fds
> [2014-11-30 13:21:55.181535] I
>> [client-handshake.c:450:client_set_lk_version_cbk] 0-shares-client-9:
>> Server lk version = 1
I see the operational mode for the volume as "3". I saw a non-related
thread that indicated this number should be more digits on a cluster
running 3.5.2. The other thread also indicated that quota may not work if
the volume version number was not compatible with the quota version running
on the cluster. I can't seem to find the link right now.

It's almost as if the volume version did not get upgraded when the server
version was upgraded. Is that possible?


On Sun, Nov 30, 2014 at 11:46 PM, Krutika Dhananjay <kdhananj at redhat.com>

> Hi,
> Could you confirm whether quotad (Quota Daemon) is online from the output
> of `gluster volume status shares`?
> Also, could you share quota daemon's log file from the node where you
> executed `quota list` command, which you will find at @
> /var/log/glusterfs/quotad.log?
> -Krutika
> ------------------------------
> *From: *"David Gibbons" <david.c.gibbons at gmail.com>
> *To: *"gluster-users" <gluster-users at gluster.org>
> *Sent: *Sunday, November 30, 2014 9:57:02 PM
> *Subject: *[Gluster-users] Upgraded from 3.4.1 to 3.5.2,        quota no
> longer working
> Hi All,
> I performed a long-awaited upgrade from 3.4.1 to 3.5.2 today following the
> instructions for an offline upgrade outlined here:
> http://www.gluster.org/community/documentation/index.php/Upgrade_to_3.5
> I ran the pre- and post- upgrade scripts as instructed, intending to move
> the quotas over to the new version. The upgrade seemed to go well, the
> volume is online and it appears to be functioning properly.
> When I attempt to check quotas, the list is empty:
>> [root at gfs-a-1 glusterfs]# gluster volume quota shares list
>>                   Path                   Hard-limit Soft-limit   Used
>>>  Available
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [root at gfs-a-1 glusterfs]#
> And upon execution of that command, the cli.log file fills up with entries
> like this. I am assuming it's one cli log entry per quota entry:
>> [2014-11-30 14:00:02.154143] W
>>> [cli-rpc-ops.c:2469:print_quota_list_from_quotad] 0-cli: path key is not
>>> present in dict
>> [2014-11-30 14:00:02.160507] W
>>> [cli-rpc-ops.c:2469:print_quota_list_from_quotad] 0-cli: path key is not
>>> present in dict
>> [2014-11-30 14:00:02.167947] W
>>> [cli-rpc-ops.c:2469:print_quota_list_from_quotad] 0-cli: path key is not
>>> present in dic
> So, it appears that somehow the quota database has become offline or
> corrupt. Any thoughts on what I can do to resolve this?
> I have checked all of the binaries on all 4 machines in the cluster, and
> they all appear to be running the correct version:
>> [root at gfs-a-1 glusterfs]# glusterfsd --version
>> glusterfs 3.5.2 built on Nov 30 2014 08:16:37
> Cheers,
> Dave
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