[Gluster-users] Samba vfs_glusterfs Quota Support?

Ira Cooper ira at redhat.com
Wed Oct 30 13:11:31 UTC 2013

Hello Dave,

What version of Samba are you running?

There is a bug in some versions of Samba that will result in exactly what you are seeing.

-Ira / ira at samba.org

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Gibbons" <david.c.gibbons at gmail.com>
To: "Lalatendu Mohanty" <lmohanty at redhat.com>
Cc: gluster-users at gluster.org
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 9:06:38 AM
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Samba vfs_glusterfs Quota Support?

Hi Lala, 

Thank you. I should have been more clear and you are correct, I can't write data above the quota. I was referring only to the listing of "disk size" in windows/samba land. 

Thanks for the tip in quota-deem-statfs. Here are my results with that command: 
# gluster volume set gfsv0 quota-deem-statfs on 
volume set: failed: option : quota-deem-statfs does not exist 
Did you mean dump-fd-stats or quota-timeout? 

Which Gluster version does that feature setting apply to? 


On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 3:09 AM, Lalatendu Mohanty < lmohanty at redhat.com > wrote: 

On 10/23/2013 05:26 PM, David Gibbons wrote: 

Hi All, 

I'm setting up a gluster cluster that will be accessed via smb. I was hoping that the quotas. I've configured a quota on the path itself: 

# gluster volume quota gfsv0 list 
path limit_set size 
/shares/testsharedave 10GB 8.0KB 

And I've configured the share in samba (and can access it fine): 
# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf 
vfs objects = glusterfs 
glusterfs:volfile_server = localhost 
glusterfs:volume = gfsv0 
path = /shares/testsharedave 
valid users = dave 
guest ok = no 
writeable = yes 

But windows does not reflect the quota and instead shows the full size of the gluster volume. 

I've reviewed the code in https://forge.gluster.org/samba-glusterfs/samba-glusterfs-vfs/blobs/master/src/vfs_glusterfs.c -- which does not appear to support passing gluster quotas to samba. So I don't think my installation is broken, it seems like maybe this just isn't supported. 

Can anyone speak to whether or not quotas are going to be implemented in vfs_glusterfs for samba? Or if I'm just crazy and doing this wrong ;)? I'm definitely willing to help with the code but don't have much experience with either samba modules or the gluster API. 

Hi David, 
Quotas are supported by vfs_glusterfs for samba. I have also set quota on the volume correctly. If you try to write more data then the quota on the directory(/shares/testsharedave ), it will not allow. 

But for the clients (i.e. Windows/smb, nfs, fuse) to reflect in the meta data information (i.e. properties in Windows) , you have run below volume set command on respective volume. 

gluster volume set <VOLUME NAME> quota-deem-statfs on 



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