[Gluster-users] Quickest way to delete many small files

Pablo paa.listas at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 21:59:06 UTC 2013

  I agree with what you say :)

El 12/06/2013 04:45 p.m., Stephan von Krawczynski escribió:
> On Wed, 12 Jun 2013 14:55:23 -0300
> Pablo <paa.listas at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So combining the two approaches I think that this may be a better solution?
>> tempdirname=`mktemp -d`
>> mv <dir> $tempdirname
>> mkdir <dir>
>> # rm -rf <tempdirname>
>> mkdir empty
>> rsync -a --delete empty/ $tempdirname
>> rmdir empty $tempdirname
>> Regards,
>> Pablo.
> Ok, this is a heavy misinterpretation of my true intention.

> I did _not_ intend to delete particularly fast, the sole idea of mv & mkdir
> was to come up with the same but empty dir for _users_ as fast as possible.
> And only _then_ throw away the old, probably unneeded original content.
> So I thought the basic admin idea was to give the user as fast as possible
> what he wants (empty dir) and deal with the rest cleanup later on.
This were what I were trying to said above. :)  Sorry, my english is 
very limited :(

> And that's why I named it an admin question. Do something to make the user
> happy, but indeed something completely different than what the user thought
> was going on.

> And whatever idea you come up, you will not have your dir as
> fast empty shown to the user as me with mv&mkdir :-)
Yes, that is why i try to combine both.

> And btw, this is exactly what I do suggest for delete/undelete implementation:
> move the deleted something to a shadow dir where content is expelled based on
> its age iff the real world tree needs more space.
I agree with this also.


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