[Gluster-users] GlusterFS for FreeBSD

Yaroslav Boychuk baya at rodovid.org
Wed Aug 11 08:42:05 UTC 2010

Hi Brad,

At the begining
I have short yes list after ./configure

GlusterFS configure summary
FUSE client        : yes
Infiniband verbs   : no
epoll IO multiplex : no
libglusterfsclient : no
argp-standalone    : yes
fusermount         : no

after http://www.freebsdwiki.net/index.php/GlusterFS
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -liconv"
export CFLAGS="-O0 -g -DDEBUG -I/usr/local/include/"
and installing argp-standalone from ports
yes list is more shorter after ./configure

GlusterFS configure summary
FUSE client        : yes
Infiniband verbs   : no
epoll IO multiplex : no
libglusterfsclient : no
argp-standalone    : no
fusermount         : no

first stop I have also at server-resolve.c
but I have googled that on FreeBSD EBADFD must EBADF

but after patching It stops at other place (((

after 4 or 5 patches I stops my tries.

And on last Monday I have read at http://www.gluster.com/ (unfortunatlly 
I forget where) there because of FreeBSD inode is 32bit and GlusterFS 
require 64 one they not guarantied that it will work on FreeBSD.

Brad Degnan wrote:
 > Hello Yaroslav,
 > I saw you post asking about running gluster on freebsd on the
 > gluster-users list.  I'm trying to do the same thing.  Have you had any
 > luck compiling it yet?  My compile dies while trying to build
 > server-resolve.c  If you've made it past that point, any tips would be
 > appreciated.
 > thanks!
 > Brad

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