[Gluster-users] Clustering Samba with GlusterFS with Backend

Hoe Woon Chian hoewc at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 20 06:26:53 UTC 2009


Attached pls find the the server and client configuration file using the
distibute and AFR+distribute translator.

The distribute translator still return the different inode across the
storage cluster.

Below show the GlusterFS is 2.0.0.rc4

FSSERVER1:/var/log/glusterfs # glusterfs -V
glusterfs 2.0.0rc4 built on Mar 20 2009 12:30:00
Repository revision: cb602a1d7d41587c24379cb2636961ab91446f86 +
Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Z RESEARCH Inc. <http://www.zresearch.com>
You may redistribute copies of GlusterFS under the terms of the GNU General
Public License.
FSSERVER1:/var/log/glusterfs #

Woon Chian

-----Original Message-----
From: anand.avati at gmail.com [mailto:anand.avati at gmail.com] On Behalf Of
Anand Avati
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 7:42 PM
To: Hoe Woon Chian
Cc: gluster-users at gluster.org
Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Clustering Samba with GlusterFS with Backend

> Understand that Samba's Share Lock and Byte Range Lock is very depend 
> on the inode on disk, so I need to make sure the inode number across 
> the cluster disk must be same.
> Senario 1, I use AFR translator, I use stat command to check the inode 
> number of a file, it show me a different number of inode on different 
> client. Senario 2, I use distribute, result is same with different 
> inode number.
> Only workable translator is Unify which the device id and inode number 
> is same on client 1, client 2, client .....
> So the only workable Translator is Unify, but also understand that 
> Unify have some performace issue, will Distribute translator replace 
> Unify? Or is that any method to have consistent device id and inode across
cluster disk?

Recent versions of Distribute return the same inode number consistently on
all clients. Please upgrade.

> Another question is how can I get Posix ACL support with GlusterFS?

Currently Posix ACL is not supported

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