[Gluster-users] Adding storage

Keith Freedman freedman at FreeFormIT.com
Thu Jan 29 20:25:10 UTC 2009

At 12:15 PM 1/29/2009, Sean Davis wrote:
>A naive question, but how do people go about adding (or changing) 
>storage in a system?  In particular, how do folks change the 
>client-vol file on an operating cluster?  I would like to be able to 
>do something like "remount" and have client-vol changes work for a 
>particular machine and not have to search out all the open 
>connections in order to do that update.  I know the question is not 
>a very good one, but any suggestions on how this works in practice?

unfortunately, gluster doesn't support -o remount just yet.
what I do is

unmount/remount the filesystem.
which is a tad inconvenient, but here's a script that was posted to 
the list a while ago to help find processes that are hanging on a mountpoint:

find /proc 2>/dev/null | grep -E 'cwd|exe' | xargs ls -l 2>/dev/null 
| grep "> $DIR" | sed 's/  */ /g' | cut -f8 -d' ' | cut -f3 -d/ | 
sort | uniq | while read line; do echo $line $(cat /proc/$line/cmdline); done

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