[Gluster-users] Poor performance with AFR

Chandranshu . chandranshu at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 19:37:08 UTC 2008

Hi Stefan,

We have been trying to optimize Glusterfs on our network and our results
match your previous results. After reading your post, I tried removing AFR
but our performances are still poor as compared to NFS (particulalrly for
small files). Could you please post your new volume spec file and/or any
other improvements that you made to any of the layers? That'll be very

Thanks and regards

> Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 10:47:22 +0200
> From: stefan at mdy.univie.ac.at (Stefan Boresch)
> Subject: Re: [Gluster-users] Poor performance with AFR
> To: gluster-users at gluster.org
> Message-ID: <20080918084722.GH9860 at loop.mdy.univie.ac.at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Dear everyone,
> thank you for your replies. I have some additional data that have
> clarified issues for me a bit:
> I have repeated my tests without AFR (basically replicating the plain
> NFS setup)
> > >                 CP-A                  MAKE
> > > local disk      < 5sec                < 0.3sec
> > > NFS (100MBit)    55sec+-2sec          < 2sec
> > > glusterfs (I)    4m29sec               17sec
> > > glusterfs (II)   4m05sec               18sec
> glusterfs w/o AFR    45+-2 sec              9sec   <==NEW
> So, most of the poor performance is due to AFR. Note that the
> copy actually is now faster than NFS. Interestingly, make
> still runs much slower (although compared to the actual
> compile time, this overhead should be negligible in practice)
> Also, upon running some NFS benchmarks between the two servers, I
> noted some strange results, letting me suspect some creeping hardware
> issues.
> So, I guess I'll (a) wait for glusterfs 1.4.x and (b) look out for
> some better hardware to test things in the meantime.
> Sorry if I caused confusion; I should have checked some of these things
> earlier.
> Best regards,
> Stefan Boresch
> --
> Stefan Boresch
> Institute for Computational Biological Chemistry
> University of Vienna, Waehringerstr. 17       A-1090 Vienna, Austria
> Phone: -43-1-427752715                        Fax:   -43-1-427752790
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