[Gluster-users] AFR dates problem

Keith Freedman freedman at FreeFormIT.com
Tue Dec 30 00:37:41 UTC 2008

I have a problem with file mod times using AFR.

this is really bad:
server1# ls -al vfc017.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 group1 47660 2008-07-10 14:06 vfc017.jpg
server1# ls -alu vfc017.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 group1 47660 2008-07-10 14:06 vfc017.jpg

server2# ls -al vfc017.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 group1 47660 2008-12-23 09:25 vfc017.jpg
server2# ls -alu vfc017.jpg
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 group1 47660 2008-12-29 15:55 vfc017.jpg

so, there are programs and such which look for files modified after a 
certain date, and does stuff to them.
if this is a web app, for example, and it hits the server with the 
newer date (the date AFR copied the file I presume?) then it thinks 
every single thing is new and does it's processing.

Shouldn't AFR set the file mod and create times to that of the 
original source file?

However, once it's in this state, I'm not sure how to fix it in an 
automated way, but hopefully there will be a patch so that this 
doesn't happen in the future.


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