[Gluster-users] thoughts on disk usage (df) output

Keith Freedman freedman at FreeFormIT.com
Wed Aug 6 07:09:02 UTC 2008

At 12:01 AM 8/6/2008, Krishna Srinivas wrote:
> > It's not very full, so my concern is..  might gluster
> > overfill  /home/extra because it thinks it has more space than it
> > does, or might it think the disk is full when it's not and there's
> > still room to write files (if they're being written in /home/extra).
>Yes this can happen as glusterfs wont have any idea that another
>disk partition has been mounted in one of the sub directories.
>You could use LVM and combine the two disks.

Thanks for your response.  Yes, I will put them on LVM, the problem 
is, I can't really do that on these existing machines because I dont 
have anywhere to move the data while I create the LVM 
volumes.  However, I'll just make sure I resolve the issue before 
disk space becomes a problem.


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