[Gluster-users] Filled up file system and glusterd not working anymore. To probe or not to probe?

Ilias Chasapakis forumZFD chasapakis at forumZFD.de
Mon Jan 8 10:13:57 UTC 2024

Dear all,

we have a replica 3 configuration an issue after that the file system 
filled up. The gluster daemon is not starting anymore on the affected 
node and the inconsistency that we noticed is that the 
/var/lib/glusterd/peers does contain only one "good" node and the other 
one is missing.

Now what we would like to try is to probe from the affected peer the 
missing one. We also thought about just copying the missing node config 
file /var/lib/glusterd/peers here but we think this might be more 
inconsistent because perhaps of the time passed between finding out the 
issue and when the fill up had occurred (if this has relevance). We 
assume probing will fill that missing entry in the affected gluster and 
will sync to it. What we want to avoid is that this happens the other 
way around.

So in brief the question is if in our situation probing is too risky and 
we should try other methods (removing-adding brick) or anything that you 
might want to suggest from your experience.

Many thanks in advance


Entschieden für Frieden | Committed to Peace

Ilias Chasapakis
Referent IT | IT Consultant

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