[Gluster-users] Redis db permission issue while running GitLab in Kubernetes with Gluster

Gaurav Chhabra varuag.chhabra at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 16:13:06 UTC 2017


I am trying to setup GitLab, Redis and PostgreSQL containers in Kubernetes
using Gluster for persistence. GlusterFS nodes are setup on machines
(CentOS) external to Kubernetes cluster (running on RancherOS host). Issue
is that when GitLab tries starting up, the login page doesn't load. It's a
fresh setup and not something that stopped working now.

root at gitlab-2797053212-ph4j8:/var/log/gitlab/gitlab# tail -50 sidekiq.log
2017-09-07T11:53:03.099Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR: Error fetching job: ERR
Error running script (call to
f_7b91ed9f4cba40689cea7172d1fd3e08b2efd8c9): @user_script:7:
@user_script: 7: -MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots,
but is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify
the data set are disabled. Please check Redis logs for details about
the error.
2017-09-07T11:53:03.100Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR:
2017-09-07T11:53:03.100Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR:
2017-09-07T11:53:03.100Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR:
`block in _eval'
2017-09-07T11:53:03.100Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR:
`block in synchronize'
2017-09-07T11:53:03.100Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR:
/usr/lib/ruby/2.3.0/monitor.rb:214:in `mon_synchronize'
2017-09-07T11:53:03.100Z 547 TID-1fdf1k ERROR:

So i checked for Redis container logs.

[root at node-a ~]# docker logs -f 67d44f585705
[1] 07 Sep 14:43:48.140 # Background saving error
[1] 07 Sep 14:43:54.048 * 1 changes in 900 seconds. Saving...
[1] 07 Sep 14:43:54.048 * Background saving started by pid 2437
[2437] 07 Sep 14:43:54.053 # Failed opening .rdb for saving: Permission denied

Checked online for this issue and then noticed the following permissions
and owner details *inside*of Redis pod:

[root at node-a ~]# docker exec -it 67d44f585705 bash
groups: cannot find name for group ID 2000
root at redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/# ls -ld /var/lib/redis/
drwxr-sr-x 12 1000 1000 8192 Sep  7 11:51 /var/lib/redis/
root at redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/#
root at redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/# ls -l /var/lib/redis/
total 22
drwxr-sr-x 2  1000  1000     6 Sep  6 10:37 backups
drwxr-sr-x 2  1000  1000     6 Sep  6 10:37 builds
drwxr-sr-x 2 redis redis     6 Sep  6 10:14 data
-rw-r--r-- 1 redis redis 13050 Sep  7 11:51 dump.rdb
-rwxr-xr-x 1 redis redis    21 Sep  5 11:00 index.html
drwxrws--- 2  1000  1000     6 Sep  6 10:37 repositories
drwxr-sr-x 5  1000  1000    55 Sep  6 10:37 shared
drwxr-sr-x 2 root  root   8192 Sep  6 10:37 ssh
drwxr-sr-x 3 redis redis    70 Sep  7 10:20 tmp
drwx--S--- 2  1000  1000     6 Sep  6 10:37 uploads
root at redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/#
root at redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/# grep 1000 /etc/passwd
root at redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/#

Ran following and all looked fine.

root at redis-2138096053-0mlx4:/# chown redis:redis -R /var/lib/redis/

However, when i deleted and ran the GitLab deployment YAML again, the
permissions inside the Redis container *again* got skewed up. I am not sure
whether Gluster is messing up with the Redis file/folders permissions but i
can't think of any other reason
​except for mount​.

One thing i would like to highlight is that all the three containers are
using the *same* PVC

- name: gluster-vol1
    claimName: gluster-dyn-pvc

Above is common for all three. What differs is shown below:

a) postgresql-deployment.yaml

- name: gluster-vol1
  mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql

b) redisio-deployment.yaml

- name: gluster-vol1
  mountPath: /var/lib/redis

c) gitlab-deployment.yaml

- name: gluster-vol1
  mountPath: /home/git/data

Any suggestion? Also, i
​ guess this is not
the right way to use the same PVC/Storage Class for all three containers
​ because i just noticed that all contents reside in the same dir inside
Gluster nodes.

I know there are many things involved besides Gluster so this may not be
_the_ right forum but amongst all, my gut feeling is that Gluster might be
the reason for the permission issue.
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